Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

I feel sorry for her (if true).
I was making fun of her and sent the vid to many friends.




Not much social distancing going on there LOL

NYC needs to get ready for these guys.
No escape.

Ok, that is worth watching out for …

Meantime the British seem to have found a new strain of Covid, let’s call it Covid-19.5
This new strain appears to be more infectious than the globally available strain and has resulted in knee-jerk reactions from both the British government and European governments.

The British reaction is to impose Tier-4 restrictions (a new name for lock-down)
The European reaction is to close the borders. Brexiteers should be pleased about that :wink:

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Indubitably, they should…

No, of course it is NOT true, as most everything else he posts…:roll_eyes: Here is CHI Memorial Hospitals statement of fact on the incident…


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So do you really think a nurse with a propensity for fainting would be allowed to practice in hospital?

Think about it: The American people have allowed themselves to be put in a giant open air prison, prohibiting them from going to work, from going to church, from going anywhere without a stupid face diaper, from going to movies, from going to concerts, from going to sporting events, from going to bars or restaurants, from going to hair salons or barber shops, forcing them to close their businesses, forcing them to close their stores, forcing them to close their shops, forcing them to close their churches—basically, forcing them to abandon virtually all of their God-given, constitutionally protected liberties.

FOR WHAT? For a virus that is less harmful than the seasonal flu. And WHO admits it.



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The British have face mask mandates and onerous movement restrictions and brits are here complaining about what’s going on in America…:roll_eyes:

… That is racist !

CHI Memorial hospital issued a statement concerning the health of the nurse who fell to the floor during an interview stating that she never lost consciousness and is home resting. But conspiracy theories are more addictive than OxyContin…:roll_eyes:

This is a global issue.

She was happy to parade and be a media starlet when getting the Jab but can’t spare a moment to say Hi I’m alive ! The hospital were so concerned they set up a photo shoot yesterday which allegedly shows Tiffany with a bunch of others who have had the vaccine. Apparently people are saying it isn’t the same lady, different colour eyes, hair, stature etc having looked at her social media pictures which also hasn’t been active despite her normally being fairly active. So she needs some time with her family except for a photo shoot with her colleagues to take off the heat ! But of course you and other saps who are so used to swallowing bullshit on a regular basis are quite satisfied with a statement. You would not even make it to tie Columbo’s laces !!