Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

The whole idea of the coronavirus scare, whether invented in Wuhan, China, or at Fort Detrick, MD, is to derail Trump Presidency by permitting fake voting methods.

At the same time, to bring down major economies of the world, so that “reset” will be acceptable for sheep.


Whatever. Keep polishing your turd and I will take the flush option.


I figured those last facts would leave you with nothing of value to say…

Can you explain when that happened - I thought the election was being disputed?
And the electoral college hasn’t even voted yet
Just bc CNN/fox etc have called the election for Biden, doesn’t make it so. Surely, even you understand that much?

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“Nobody else needs this [vaccine],” he says. “You don’t vaccinate a population because 1 in 1 million might have a bad outcome [from the infection].” He also strongly believes the vaccine must be voluntary:

" It’s an appalling … public platform to suggest that the only way we get our lives back is to mass vaccinate the population. Something very smelly is going on. It’s simply not appropriate. I don’t even think it would work."





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It happened on November 3rd…
The only one disputing it is the loser himself. And he’s going down as an absolute crybaby bitch for doing so…

Look what happens to a guy when speaks the truth.

I wonder if the Rothschilds, Kissinger, Summers and Soros have a religion. If they do, their God must be Satan himself.

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I thought Nov 3rd was the day the vote closed, except it didn’t really close did it? The dems carried on counting, but only after they sent all the observers home. And indeed the vote in many States still hasn’t closed and will continue until it has been certified, after all the legal challenges have been resolved.
So if, as you say, the Americans rejected Trump, what exactly will the electoral college be doing on Dec 14th?

One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. You like one god, somebody else’s likes another. Neither of which have any value or power that you don’t ascribe to them…:man_shrugging:

By 7:00 pm pacific time on November 3rd, all voting was completed and ended, counting began in the various states at different times depending on each states laws…

Some states laws allowed mailed in ballots to be counted after November 3rd, provided they were postmarked on or before November 3rd. But I’m satisfied that you know this. And that means that votes for both Trump and Biden continued to be counted. As a matter of fact, if you’ve been paying attention to American news, you’ve observed that both Trump’s and Biden’s tally’s continued to grow after November 3rd. Over the course of the last 30 days for example, Trump’s count has grown by 8 million votes or more.

Certifying that rejection…:man_shrugging:

In what proportion?

How did Biden’s count grow?

And more importantly, how did the coronavirus scare benefit Biden?

Proportionate to the numbers of Americans that voted for him… :roll_eyes:

I realize you’re viewing things from afar, but really???

And what has coronavirus to do with the topic??

So the ‘‘Election’’ didn’t end on 3rd and is still ongoing - ergo the American public did NOT repudiate Trump - something else we can agree on.

Exactly so - Trump has not been repudiated yet then, has he?
Another little factoid we can agree on