Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

No that won’t work, they have to scale up the response and be fully committed to take out the opposition command structure, only do a proper a job of it. The opposition have hounded Trump for 4 years and never accepted him as their president, fighting fair will not stop a party dead set on disruption not democracy.

At least we can agree on something - maybe its time they told us what the side-effects are whwn they ask us to take them, so we can make an informed choice.

Obama was treated the same way by the opposition and nobody called for or attempted what your advocating Trumpers do with firearms that can hit the dot on an 8 ball at a thousand yards…

Yes, we can absolutely agree on that and I’ve heard both Birx and Fauci say so…

As far as I’m aware there was posturing and hot air but absolutely nothing on the scale that Trump endured throughout his first term. He has also had not just the US big hitter media but the the majority of the world’s media too, who have given him not an inch to crack on with his job and for what ? Just because they didn’t like him ? They were willing to turn a blind eye to Barak & Michael and their earlier sordid goings on ? But Trump mentions pussy and he is the devil.
You are already at war it seems to me, you just haven’t seen any bullets flying yet. There is only so much poking a dog will take.

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Know your place plebs !

Again, the view from across the pond is obscured. Mitch Mc Connell stated his mission was to make Obama a one term president. And I know you don’t want the truth, won’t watch, but I’ll post it just the same…

GOP senates pledge to block everything…

There won’t be any bullets flying either. Sorry to disappoint you…

Ok I watched but as far as I’m aware there were no formal proceedings and at the time I believe CBS polling was showing that approx 70% of people wanted some compromise by Obama to the republicans, that would indicate that some of the democrat electorate maybe thought they had some valid issues. Also as far as I’m aware it was always on matters of policy like obamacare etc, unlike the accusations and reasons for wanting to impeach Trump on totally unfounded nonsense of Russian collusion etc etc.

Of course this is only your opinion as is mine.

Well no, and there wasn’t any formal proceedings to obstruct trump from anything. And if you wish to point to impeachment, that wasn’t a formal proceeding to obstruct the Trump administration, it was a legal constitutional proceeding that congress is obliged to perform when the president has abused his office. Otherwise, despite what you think from there, republicans politically did their damndest to obstruct Obama from getting anything accomplished, just as democrats did the same throughout Trump’s administration.

But leave it to the partisan to only see one…:man_shrugging:

Please don’t feed the trolls.

@montecresto1 is a fucking idiot, on top of being a worthless, piece of shit troll.


Funny that was debunked. It’s also funny watching Trump fall for all those trolling him, taking advantage of his desperation to not leave Washington a LOSER, as we all know what he thinks about losers…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Gotta love old, feeble internet tough guys…

Quite so. The King of England experienced that backlash shortly after our Declaration of Independence when the bullets began to fly.

Neither our war for independence from Great Britain nor our War Between the States was a civil war…they were wars of secession.

However, we definitely have no immunity from a true civil war wherein control of the nation is the prize.

The arbitrary, draconian edicts issued because of the COVID plandemic may very well be the igniter of such a war.



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I could easily be a lot more partisan but I have chosen to be cautious about Trump all along. My scepticism is not because of the character of the man, it stems from the politics of my own country where both sides are hoodwinking people into believing they want different things but the base agenda has the same outcome. So that is my default position and vantage point.

So watching the show from afar over the years I have been astonished at the amount of corruption linked to the left that does not seem to even raise eyebrows and yet a bit of crass talk from Trump and he became the devil himself. I have remained open minded about him and definitely times I thought he may be a plant, so I don’t see this type of thinking as partisan.

So regardless of my opinions and the scales balanced up sell me the Democrats. Tell me what the attraction is and what they have to offer ? Show me who are the really good ones, show me who are the really bad ones and what makes them good or bad. From where I have been standing I haven’t seen or heard of a Republican involved in anything criminal to the extent of Hilary Clinton for example.

If that were to happen do you see the demographic being similar to that of the Confederacy and The Union ?

EDIT: Perhaps if you want to reply @asaratis better to do it in RH and let the thread get back on track.

Neither Trump nor BoJo is free to act. Either of them has plenty of enemies, domestic and foreign, and politics is always a tightrope walk.

Having said that, the intention of Trump is good. In 4 short years he made some social and economic accomplishments but when it come to dismantling the Deep State, very little. His hands were tied and the American public too unaware.

Now the sleeping public, be it Republican or Dem, is forced to face the realities, given the magnitude of fraud and manipulation, and the enemies of America and humanity have revealed themselves: the mainstream media, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., as well as Gates and the medical establishment, Johns Hopkins in particular, and the banksters who feed them.

This Covid 19 was invented and in preparation for a long time targeting the Presidential election so that the Deep State and satanically oriented individuals could take down Trump.