Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

All vaccines have side effects…:man_shrugging:

But what’s your point, that Trump used his operation warp speed to rush through a vaccine that’s dangerous for Americans to take…:thinking:


*LOL they ain’t gonna take the actual vaccine. No one believes that.


Think I’ll pass


Exactly how did the Trump administration “dismantle” the pandemic response?

I’m listening…

What’s to keep these disingenuous pricks from taking a dose of saline solution on camera and calling it a vaccine shot?

One is an impeached former President, impeached for lying under oath. The other two are globalists and liars pushing for a New World Order.

Fuck them all!


I really don’t understand how these clowns and others like Fauci, Gates, Zukkerturd etc etc are still roaming the earth, you guys have access to guns that can knock the spot off a pool ball from over a mile. I don’t know exactly how far to be honest but a longggg way away ! :grin:

FIRST PHOTOS — Covid vaccination and ‘immunity cards’ to be issued to all Americans

You don’t need an ID to vote but show me your papers to go anywhere and do anything

On Wednesday the Department of Defense released the first images of a Covid vaccination record card as well as vaccination kits. “Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” says Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that

“Rather than injecting an organic version of the virus to generate an immune response, mRNA contains snippets of the coronavirus spike protein’s genetic code that tells the body’s cells to produce a small facsimile of that spike protein, which kickstarts the immune system to produce antibodies.

For the Googlers wanting to know what, exactly, the Covid vaccine is made of, it becomes a question of chemistry in the creation of that synthetic mRNA, which is propriety information buried in a complex web of patents.” What is Covid vaccine made of? Scientist behind Pfizer and Moderna vaccine technology explains | The Independent

SO, for people who may not know much about DNA – it’s basically manufactured DNA – who knows what in the hell this stuff can do. And if its manufactured, WHO KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY CODE IT TO DO…

So, essentially, its exactly what they cooked up in China… Could be coded to kill us all in a few years.Who the hell knows.

Fk that! There is no way I am taking this crap!

Right, well you don’t understand a lot about America…

Apparently Trumpers don’t trust Trump’s OWS to produce a useful and effective vaccine…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are stating the obvious which is why I said “I really don’t understand…”.

So now perhaps you can explain what it is I don’t understand ?

It seems obvious that America is a nation of laws. Trumpers in fact made quite an issue all year of contrasting themselves from democrats as the law and order party. What you suggest is illegal, and anathema from law and order…

Do you really think that Trump is personally producing a vaccine??
I think most ppl trust him not to poison us and he is currently our only protection against the Gates/Fauci/Hitlery/Soros brigade
He was pushing HCQ awhile ago and I think he is anti vax at heart

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Yep, with an American dying of Covid every 30 seconds, I’d say you’re right. Hospitals are tapped, closets are being turned into freezers to hold the dead, crematoriums are breaking down, there’s mobile morgues in several cities, we even have Republican governors using the state police and national guard to enforce Covid restrictions. But Trump…Trump is AWOL, not a peep out of him about this as he’s got his mind on one thing…himself.

No, not at all. Why?

Sense the vaccines are bad, I guess Trumpers aren’t going to give Trump credit for them or OWS…:rofl:

A real missed opportunity for trump to actually and legitimately take credit for asking pharmaceuticals to do what they have never done before, and his supporters throw cold water on it…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Exactly my point. They have stood by and watched people in the name of the democrats burn & loot, which is anything but a display of law & order. Yet they have shown remarkable restraint. I think they need to take a leaf from your (democrat) playbook and add a little extra to the recipe.

So you’re suggesting that the party of law and order abandon their position and become like their nemesis…:thinking:

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Yes, all vaccines have side effects and it’s a given that the side effects are not equal to the suffering a person may experience if sickened by the virus…

And that doesn’t include the long term affects from infection that are still being studied but already suggest that permanent damage to the brain and internal organs is a real concern.