Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

They must be really worried that the peasants are about to light the touch paper.

coming from a guy who wrote this song?

This is the one that needs storing at -70c - that’ll be a challenge LOL
So how often do we need it - only once or once every year
He struggled when he was asked abt his mate down the pub

Looks like I’m gonna be eating a lot more scotch eggs LOL
Wancock really struggled with this interview - he’ll get a roasting from Bozo

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They will cut in the big hitters like Tesco etc so you can

get jabbed while you are picking up some frozen chips.

I was surprised Kay actually asked but it soon fizzled out after a bit of ad-libbing by him about being grateful to all that have stepped up. He is a twat.

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There’s some evidence that there were a bunch of early cases that didn’t lead to widespread transmission. Which makes sense if most transmission is due to superspreader events. Somebody comes home from abroad with the disease, feels crappy, doesn’t go out much, recovers, end of story. Even within households there have been cases without transmission.

Similar thing was apparently happening in Wuhan for a couple of months before things got out of hand. You keep rolling the dice and eventually, they come up snake eyes.

(Which all makes the trump administration even more culpable for dismantling pandemic response. There’s a chance that none of this would have happened at all.)

Of course it would have happened because it is a political move and has nothing to do superspreader events. You need to expand your reading material to what the leading virologists and immunologists of the world have to say. Start with the ones that don’t have a dog in the fight.

Over 2,000 Americans are dying everyday from the mythical disease…

Exactly aka Ronahoax and its ‘‘with’’ not ‘‘from’’ big difference

Some are with, some are from…big difference.

Lots of Trumpers dying with/from Covid…due to cavalier attitudes like yours. They may suit themselves.

I understand the worst hit area in US was NY and the vast majority there died bc their Dem governor locked all the old ppl up in care homes.
So you may indeed be right that most of them were Trumpers but they died bc a Demoprat cavalier governor locked them up illegally without agreement

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Well that is chock full of generality and hyperbole…

I guess you’ve missed all the Trumpers in and around his immediate circle, himself included, that have had Covid due to their cavalier attitudes toward the Covid virus. As I said, no skin off my teeth…the damage is done and no matter what happens next, it’s likely that a third of Americans will never take Covid seriously and therefore, recovery will be drawn out…

Btw, Texas and Florida, two red states controlled by republicans are at the top of the list ahead of New York for infections. That’s what happens when you let a tv reality show host occupy your brain and ignore science… once again, no skin off my teeth…

It is well documented that the PCR test is totally unreliable and discredited
So the rate of infections is meaningless - its deaths we need to count - thats why more dead ppl voted for Biden.

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You, and Trumpers in America don’t accept those numbers either, so it’s moot.

What’s important is that a majority of Americans do and that’s one reason Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th :man_shrugging:

Thats another post that won’t age very well LOL

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We’ll see about that…