Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣



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Tell me again, who owns Pedowood?


Proving time and time again what hypocrites media hacks are!

This is bullshit! and shouldn’t be allowed!

COVID-19 is a wise and discriminating virus.

It attacks people who stay out after mandated curfews.

It attacks churches and avoids casinos and strip clubs.

It attacks school teachers and avoids children.

It watches for final results of elections and will exponentially expand its attack on the world populations if Donald Trump is inaugurated for a second term, but will go quietly into the night if Joe Biden gets in position to give America to China.

…and Dr. Fauci will remain a rich, conniving, lying son-of-a-bitch!

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John Kerry’s real last name is Kohn.

That’s important for Joo Biden.


Always the same victims.

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3 post rule

Why am I not surprised


The government put you out of business then will lend you money to take over part of your business. Do you see what’s happening?



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That how 200 million Americans will be killed.
Same for the UK and Germany.

White genocide in progress.


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What AstraZeneca did, though, was to secure full indemnity from all damages
“This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take risk if in …four years the vaccine is showing side effects,”