Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

So if Billy wants to save the planet by preventing us from flying or working, what is the point of a vaccine that will give us a health passport so we can start flying again? - there is no point unless the vac actually does something else that we don’t know abt yet

This could have all been avoided if we had only clapped.


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Wall street bankers finally get a mention at 31:50

They are the enemy of us peasants.
Needless to say, Joo Biden and the virus are their tools.

A participant in a Coronavirus vaccine trial is likely suffering from severe genetic damage. As a result, within weeks of being the guinea pig, her feet are falling apart. It is important to note that in order to take part in any medical trial, you have to have perfect health. No diabetes, absolutely nothing wrong with you.

This is what happened to a UK woman who took part in testing the corona vax I have repeatedly posted on this site - the one where they are requisitioning an AI to handle all the people who get wrecked by it.

OK, so do I really believe this was from the vax? I’d say highly probable but there is no way to absolutely prove it. But that is DEFINITELY enough to jump to my death over to avoid it. (spoiler, I would have anyway without this post) but what happened to this woman solidifies it.

Yes, mess with someone’s DNA and crap like this can happen, she was probably a jogger and started running on feet that had been modified by worm DNA. Everyone knows you cannot step on a worm.

I’ll hedge my bets that is NEVER going to heal, she’ll need her feet amputated, as will many more. I guess that’s one way to fix stupid, ANYONE who participated in a corona vax trial would have to be.

It is hard to say whether or not this was a reaction to the polyethelene glycol or the DNA modification, but it is definitely tied to the vax.

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German Doctor Raided By Armed Police During Live YouTube Stream

British father bitten by deadly snake while battling coronavirus in India…after contracting malaria and dengue fever

From blocking aisles to hiding Christmas decorations, Winnipeg’s big retailers stash non-essential goods

Health minister flew home eight times while telling Canadians not to visit family

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Monoclonal Antibodies for Treatment of COVID-19

Dr. Fauci Says Vaccine Skeptics Pose A Serious Threat To Public Health

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It’s sad but ignorance sometimes hands out a harsh lesson. What is really sad, at this moment in time there is absolutely no need to be ignorant.

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A Doctor who served 35 years in Derry speaks at Guildhall Square. Says Doctors, Nurses and admins watching Netflix doing knitting and catching up on paperwork during covid . Suicidal patients in the Northwest seeing a big rise. A real must watch and share far and wide.

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No way to prove it?
This is not a court case and we don’t need lawyers.

The evidence is strong enough for us peasants and we do not engage in mind-boggling word twisting.

The woman has to pay for her stupidity.
End of the story.

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I always like the way this guy presents the facts but the “Why we will win and they will lose” is scant. He’s not alone, the alternative media need to start talking about the mechanisms available to kick back, they are getting to be like a decent book that has the last chapter missing.

Are we being lied to about Covid?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

This MP as you might suspect from the vid is one of the few (37/38?) M.P.s who voted against the lockdown, he will be saved from the gallows.