Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣


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The Propaganda machine at work again…

So one question… If the face nappy actually works I am protected and won’t catch the virus and if everyone I come into contact with is wearing a face nappy they won’t catch it from me, so neither of us will need to get a test or self isolate…
Unless of course they don’t work


Nor are they needed !!!

this might have been posted before

Covid-19, an engineered fake virus, is entirely related to the Deep State’s attempt to take down Trump by a fake election.

Well, two fakes don’t make real.
But it’s the nature of the mask-wearing, hoax- (be it 911 or holohoax) believing sheep to behave the way their enemy want them to behave.



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You don’t say
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
for nothing.

But luckily, many Danes are smart enough and don’t trust the mainstream narratives.

If someone says, it’s not my baby, tell him or her “It’s your tax money that will be spent to support harmed/handicapped/autistic children.”

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Does anyone know if newsom was charged for this?

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Since ignoring my two invitations to install the “Test and Trace” App, I have not received any further coercion.

I just checked the Play Store, Covid-19 tracing App is at the top of the page but no suggestion that I ought to install it.

I await the “tap on the door” …

If even nurses are calling it a scam…


Good points made.

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It’s on the label.

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Talmudic Judaism is not compatible with the American Constitution.

Adherents of the former have been fighting this document in various forms and disguises, including the banking, medical establishment and fake diseases.

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