Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Yes, there are some nasty things in some countries. Yellow fever for instance.

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Londoners not buying government fear-mongering

In 2019, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the organization led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses. Bill Gates just so happened to have donated $200 million to NIH as reported on November 5th, 2019 for research.

It is highly likely that we are facing a 2022 pandemic that our model is pointing to and this time it will reduce the population as desired by many in this clandestine group.

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EDIT: This vid should not be skipped through !! Set aside 1 hour and for those who aren’t too scientifically minded with regard to health/body etc this guy will explain very easily why the madness that is going on is utter shite and if you adhere to it you are contributing to your own demise !!

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Klaus Schwab is behind the WEF and the Great Reset and his vision of our future will give you nightmares – everything is connected…and the usual suspects are deeply involved

Pray Trump is elected but also pray that he is not part of it

The technologies of the 4IR, rolled out via 5G, pose unprecedented threats to our freedom, as Schwab concedes: “The tools of the fourth industrial revolution enable new forms of surveillance and other means of control that run counter to healthy, open societies”. (26)

Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.

All this points to the development of a new human species, known in the science-fiction world as ‘cyborgs’

Schwab and Malleret admit that Covid-19 is “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years”, adding that “the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics”.

One of the connections is that both the climate and virus “crises” have been used by the WEF and their like to push their agenda of global governance.

Given the intertwining of climate and Covid crises set out by Schwab, we might speculate that the original plan was to push through the New Normal reset on the back of the climate crisis.

But evidently, all that publicity for Greta Thunberg and big business-backed Extinction Rebellion did not whip up enough public panic to justify such measures.

For Schwab and his friends, Covid-19 is the great accelerator of everything they have been wanting to foist upon us for years…

So it is not surprising that he insists, with Malleret, that “a full return to ‘normal’ cannot be envisaged before a vaccine is available”.

Coercive measures of one kind or another are also likely to be used to force people to take the Covid vaccines currently being lined up.Schwab is deeply connected to that world, being on a “first-name basis” with Bill Gates and having been hailed by Big Pharma mainstay Henry McKinnell, chairman and CEO of Pfizer Inc, as “a person truly dedicated to a truly noble cause”.


And it is very interesting that Biden’s entire coronavirus task force is staffed by people in favor of euthenasia, making claims that no one should live past 75 years old . . . . The stage is set for Biden’s coronavirus task force to stage a genocide, and no one on it will stop it because they are ALL for killing people. This really does not look good folks.

We have been told by several leading democrats now that Trump’s supporters, which they now reduced to “enablers” need to be removed from society. And we have a Biden coronavirus task force that has no qualms about killing people. How does that add up? It adds up to white vans with medical people taking “coronavirus victims” who happened to coincidentally be “enablers of Trump” who “must be removed from society” away in the dead of night, only to have their existence monitored from that point on by a task force that has no compunctions about killing people.

I have already said this: EVERY communist revolution, without exception, has had a genocide. Outlook for the United States according to Deagel? 220 million or so, the exact same number Kamala Harris blurted out TWICE, at two separate rallies: “220 million Americans dead from coronavirus”. They are telling us to our face, as their “contract with satan” requires. Inaction against it to them equals permission. In the end, in the history books, they’ll have killed “no one”, it will all be written down as a “coronavirus disaster”.


(down 70%)


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(down 78%)

Can you say white genocide?


According to scientism.



*I’ve been reading about the Pfizer vaccine.

I’ve known for a while that it is an mRNA vaccine but it just hit me that it will be the first mRNA vaccine ever approved for human use.

If COVID was a ‘Steven King’ (kills-everyone) virus, sure, go for it–prevent the deaths and take what comes.

But mortality is low, acute treatments are improving, transmission is preventable, and the greatest risk now appears to be longer term morbidity.

Mass introduction of mRNA strands into the populations may indeed reduce acute COVID morbidity and mortality, but how many autoimmune complications will result?

No one knows.

Dr. Anthony Fauci (The Globalist Asshole “Expert”) says the US COVID-19 data should NOT be compared to that of other countries. Then he says, ‘Now it’s time to do what you’re told’!


Vaccine Testing Explained




So Russia knew it was BS back in May

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Gates is never interested in saving people.

When he fights against poverty, his solution is to get rid of poor people.

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