Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Keep your immune system strong.


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There’s your motha fuckin cause for a second wave.
Don’t go for the vaccine.
Get your immune system strong naturally.
Watch what you stick in your pie hole.
Take supplements.


And stop watching TV.



Poison vacs

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SIX. PERCENT. This was published on the CDC website at the end of August. For some reason, nobody is talking about it…

To bolster that argument…a lengthy but informative read.

Lockdowns do more harm than good. Death rates are inflated. The lockdowns are designed to CONTROL PEOPLE, not to protect them!

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Vit D May Save You from Getting CV-19
By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Since I started taking 10,000 per day of Vitamin D I’ve never had the sniffles. I was in the hospital with pneumonia and nothing helped. I used Vitamin D and got over it in a couple days. Have taken it, 10,000, per day ever since and I haven’t even had the sniffles in ten years. Good information. I get it from Solgar, its 10,000 in each gel. No bad stuff.
Article below from the AMA.*

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl

*A study conducted at the University of Chicago and published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that vitamin D deficiency may have been factor in the infections of COVID-19 patients. In fact, patients that had a vitamin D deficiency or those whose deficiency were not treated were almost twice as likely to test positive for the coronavirus relative to those that had enough vitamin D. Why is this a major breakthrough? This means that those that are already vitamin D deficient, and this is a majority of the population by the way, may need only to take vitamin D supplements to boost their immune system to prevent from getting the coronavirus and successfully battle it if they’ve already been infected.

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Holy shit !! …

The issue is entirely political, and also a management issue.
The hospitals are filling up with patients requiring “intensive care”.

Here are some UK figures from this week (some doctor/scientist on the radio).
Apologies in advance for not getting the dates correctly synchronised.
At the beginning of September the number of patients with Covid-19 occupying hospital ICU beds was around 500.
At the beginning of October that number was 2,000
At the beginning of November that number was 11,000 … some hospital ITU depts. are now full

The lock down is entirely concerned with avoiding governmental egg-on-face

The UK built an emergency 4,000 bed ITU hospital just for holding Covid-19 patients, the Nightingale hospital in London. It was brought to functionality in a few weeks and likewise used for a few weeks.

The UK also built at least 3 more Nightingale-style hospitals in other parts of the country, such as the south-west and two in the Manchester-Leeds-York area. I have no idea what their battle-readiness is like.

The UK government does not have the internal strength or resolve to build enough Nightingale-style facilities to simply let the virus run its course and otherwise get on with life.

Meanwhile in Denmark …

A genetic variant of the pandemic coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, found in mink has spread from the animals to at least 12 people in Denmark, the prime minister said at a press conference Wednesday. The government is now planning to cull all the mink on Danish farms, which are estimated to have between 15 and 17 million of the animals.

When I was very young I received a few vaccines: smallpox (I think), TB, Tetanus, Polio and diphtheria

I caught chicken-pox, measles, mumps, maybe one other … and I am fine :crazy_face:
By the time my children were being vaccinated Polio was gone, TB was pretty much gone, diphtheria definitely gone, measles very unusual.

Now we have immigrants from the third world, arguably UK was already 3rd world.
Diphtheria is back
TB is back
Polio is endemic in North Africa and must be imminent

German measles (aka Rubella) is a dose of pimples (lots of them) for about 5 days, feeling a bit under the weather with a slight temperature, not harmful to anyone, except the unborn. Expectant mums who catch Rubella at the appropriate stage in pregnancy can have blind or other manifestation of afflicted children. Hence the vaccinations.

Personally I believe that they have gone too far, only the life-threatening diseases need the vaccines.


Another must watch


LOL, Being in the military, I had every vaccine known to man. Over the years some were repeated.

As you could be deployed to any corner of the world, perhaps the vaccine were necessary. They were tried as a one size fits all and began in basic training. The is no choice in th military, there is in civilian life.

Assuming the vaccines protect you and are free of nasty chemicals and heavy metals.
Otherwise, vaccines will affect your brain and change your personality for the worse.

The guy who (supposedly) blew up the Federal building in OK, McVey was his name, I think, complained about the shots he had received. I think he was microchipped.