Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

It is such an irony that Japan is Covid-free (meaning, no law to wear masks, no lockdown, no travel restrictions, etc) while 99.99% of the Japanese believe the mainstream media hook line and sinker.

Even during the heat of the hysteria early in the summer, trains and subways were running on schedule (albeit being empty) and shops were open in Tokyo and elsewhere.

Now commuter trains are about 70 - 80% full compared with normal busy hours in the morning and in the evening. (Many company and government employees are working from home with their PCs.) Obviously it’s harder to tell the Japanese not to work than to work.

I myself have no clear-cut answer to the question Corbett poses: What we should be doing to fight the NWO.

If you survive through 2025 with integrity (no vaccine, no electronic tattoo, etc), maybe new ways may open up then.

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The agenda seems to be the vaccine but why - maybe this is why…

The destruction of small businesses is just insane. I would expect this if we were faced with a real disease with 20% of the population dying. The death rate of this COVID-19 is really no worse than the flu. Politicians cannot be this stupid. The destruction of small business is NOT going to magically be reversed by opening up. This is deliberate and it is much more in line with Klaus Schwab’s Communist agenda.

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Perhaps a vaccine is again delayed because th virus mutates.

When Houston was gripped by a severe Covid-19 wave in June, a mutated form of coronavirus that developed elsewhere in the world and which is known to be especially contagious grew to eventually dominate the city’s infected patients, according to a study released Wednesdaythat could raise new questions about how quickly the virus evolved as it spread around the world.

Key Facts

The study, which was not peer-reviewed and was first reported by the Washington Post , looked at virus samples from two different Covid-19 waves in the Houston area over the spring and summer.

Many different strains of the virus entered Houston initially, but when the city moved from a small initial wave in March to a much larger outbreak in late June, almost every coronavirus sample contained a particular mutation on the virus’ surface that had previously been found in cases in Europe.

Patients with that strain of coronavirus carried more virus particles than other people, meaning they were probably more infectious, the study found.

Researchers say the rise of this contagious strain of the virus may have driven up the infection rate in the Houston area, which jumpedfrom an average of around 200 new Covid-19 cases per day to more than 2,400.

The mutation did not appear to make the virus more dangerous or change patients’ outcomes, according to the study.

A similar studyfrom earlier this month found evidence that the United Kingdom was also overtaken by the same virus strain over the spring.

Goes to show this vaccine is useless (and harmful).

It simply means a different strand of Covid 19 (developed separately) was spread on purpose.
Remember Professor Luc Montagnard saying the vaccine had AIDS virus sequence inserted?
It was also pointed out by researchers in India, but they were forced to back down.

How quickly?
It depends on how quickly the criminal labs work on new viruses.


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A coronavirus mutation that has been found in the U.S. may be less deadly but more infectious than the original virus, an expert from Singapore said this week.

Paul Tambyah, the senior consultant at the National University of Singapore, said the D614G mutation has been associated with lower death rates, which implies it is less deadly, Reuters reported Monday. This mutation has been located in Europe and North America as early as in February and has since been confirmed in parts of Asia.

“Maybe that’s a good thing to have a virus that is more infectious but less deadly,” Tambyah, the president-elect of the International Society of Infectious Diseases, told the news service.

We all are infected with all kinds of viruses.
They don’t bother us.

Mutations make the virus less virulent.
That’s their survival strategy.
Why antagonize the host unnecessarily?



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Ooops, pierced the cranium.


even if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck – it’s still coronavirus.

The virus (or viruses) is only an excuse for artificial dismantling of

financial system
political system
human immune
human intelligence

Who owns the Banks?
… Media
…Social media
…Big Pharma
D’ya really think the Ronahoax is what we should be worried about?

It’s more like the Banks own them.
And today’s banking system comes straight from ancient Babylon, aka the whore of Babylon.