Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Time to be scared - if you aren’t already

This is a must watch

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There’s nothing new about milking of the middle class (and small businesses) by the super-rich.

Some even claimed that Bill Gates was not to blame for this fake virus scare because he would be losing a lot of money.

A good interview.

This guy praises the media for spreading the truth?
Canada needs a break from someone like this.

tell me again what all the Panic was about

CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks

October12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control reportreleased in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

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Masks are not intended to prevent the spread of the virus from the getgo.
Masks are part of an occult ritual, as already pointed out.

Wearing Masks and having your temperature taken are part of Satanic and Pagan Rituals.

I don’t think so.

ROTFLMAO, good one.

Masks are like the TSA at the airport a facade of security.

That’s a code for the New World Order.
Occultists always talk in codes.
(Study of such codes is called “conspiracy theory” by the sheep)

Whitmer is saying that if we are tired of the masks and the lockdowns…vote Biden.


It’s called blackmail in the English language.

It only proves that she is a criminal.


Sounds like political blackmail. We all know who has been pushing for those things and its not Trump.

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Are we really at the point that the public has forgotten that it was left wing pukes that pushed all of that crap onto us?

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We have been hearing so LITTLE from doctors!
Where have they been hiding?

It’s (almost) always the politicians and mainstream media who are preaching us about “dangers” and “risks” of the virus.


After hearing all this stimulus talk today…I came to a realization. The only stimulus that matters is opening the economy.