Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

G7b9ffd0 (7)

The plot thickens…


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You are being played – latest Worldwide Covid update


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So, putting Krugman logic to the test, we must have massive unemployment and business bankruptcies in order to avoid massive unemployment and business bankruptcies.


Deep State is censoring POTUS

Facebook has deleted a post in which President Trump had claimed Covid-19 was “less lethal” than the flu.


It sure sounds like China and North Korea.
Nonetheless, the same is happening in the west. (Only discreetly)
Hello 1984.

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If Facebook and Twitter can delete the President of the United of States of America, imagine what they can do to us peasants


It’s the new ball & chain but much less labour intensive to administer to the point that most that receive it are happy to carry it !

Ball & chain


Just like von Goethe said:

The best slave is he who thinks he is free.

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The lockdowns of society and the cold stop of the world’s economy in the face of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) represents a huge mistake, argue some prestigious scientists in the world of epidemiology. The Great Barrington Declaration, released last week by scientists who argue that most of us should return to our pre-COVID ways of life, has generated a lot of attention and controversy.

The declaration is spearheaded by some heavy hitters in the scientific community including Martin Kulldorff, PhD, an epidemiologist at Harvard University, Sunetra Gupta, PhD, an epidemiologist at Oxford University, and Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, a public health policy expert and a professor at Stanford University.

One of the arguments put forth by the three and about 35 cosigners amounts to saying that the cure has been worse than the disease for society as a whole.

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Well … IMHO that is not true, but there is not a lot of difference. A recent statistic claimed that in the UK the Covid-19 has already killed 3-times as many peopled as 'flu and pneumonia combined. However we are heading into the peak 'flu season so we shall see the truth of that comparison in a few more months.

My neighbour’s mother is in hospital. My neighbour is well into his 60s so his mother must be advanced 80s if not 90s. Seven of the 8 people on her ward died of Covid-19, so they moved her into a special care ward and she is still alive. By the sound of it she has just caught pneumonia, which is a typical progression with Covid-19.

I will let you know the outcome.

Hand to hand combat could be challenging but snipers are ok LOL

Oh, no. Hand to hand combats must be banned.
They will give you the virus!
(Unless you wash hands before the combat. And never forget the masks during the combat.)