Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Yes we know that because it’s mentioned in the article??? :roll_eyes:

I didn’t read the article, so I don’t know what it says.

Modern medicine is a lot of hocus pocus.
That’s for sure.




Boy, the bullets must have been dipped in the virus viral


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What has the virus given us to date:

State Shutdowns – America has essentially been put under partial martial law by the individual states. People have been ordered to stay at home with non essential work and travel forbidden. One cannot go to see relatives, sick or well. Fitness centers, restaurants or places of entertainment are off limits. (Though states are “opening up” there are still major restrictions in place.)

Economy – Business activities have been severely restricted. Many businesses will never recover from the new restrictions. Restaurants, fitness centers and cinemas have been especially hard hit. Retail giants are filing bankruptcy, unable to pay their debt. The millions of small businesses demolished are not coming back. The unemployment rate will never approach 3.5% again.

Airlines are down 95% in travelers. They are cancelling air routes across the country in hopes of staving off bankruptcy.

Finance – The Government has injected trillions of dollars into the hands of citizens and businesses alike, increasing the federal debt. The Fed has dropped interest rates down to essentially zero, and engaged in more Quantitative Easing to try and keep the financial system afloat. These actions are now at a point where they can never be unwound without driving the country into a deeper Depression.

Cultural & History – Cultural symbols are being targeted as racist. Cultural and historical statutes are being pulled down and destroyed. The Founding Fathers are targeted for owning slaves or supporting slavery. Even Mount Rushmore has been found to be racist for the former Presidents that are carved into its face.

Institutions – Institutions are under attack. Universities are accused of being racist simply because of their names.Demands are being made to change their names.

Sports teams must also change names and mascots or face the wrath of BLM.

Law & Order – Protesting is occurring across the country. Rioting and looting is rampant. The police are under attack. Cities face demands to defund police departments, or get rid of them entirely. Institutions are being forced to change their names.

Identical protests and riots have broken out in Europe as well as America. Mysterious pallets of bricks have suddenly appeared where riots broke out. This provides credible evidence to indicate that this is a well planned attack with significant resources behind it to undermine Western Society.

Individuals – If a person has anything in their background that could be claimed to be racist, no matter how far back, that person is now subject to attacks, verbal and physical. If a person questions the narrative, the labeling of racist is guaranteed to occur and he can be subjected to firing from his place of employment.

Government – Faith in the leadership of this country is waning. People are learning they can’t depend on the government to take care of them during this time of crisis. Gun stores across the country cannot keep firearms or ammo in stock as people prepare for the worst.

2020 Elections – The 2020 elections will not resolve the issues. Already the campaigns of various candidates are fraught with propaganda, misinformation and lies. The losing side will not accept the outcome, no matter how decisive the victory.

If President Trump wins reelection, the Democrats will not accept the results of the election. Cries of fraud will be rampant and violent protests will increase. If the House remains in Democratic hands, impeachment proceedings begin anew.

If Biden wins, his VP pick will invoke the 25th Amendment almost immediately allowing the VP to become President. The Leftist Agenda will be instituted without concern for legality, including gun control measures. The Right will resist, leading to deadly confrontations throughout the country.

Everything is linked

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An interesting analogy re the coronahoax - It;s all fucking HYPE.
Listen to the summary at the end at least if 30 mins is too long

So in the UK the death count has almost reached 50,000 from the CVhoax
That represents less than 0.001% of the population
And now to protect us from that miniscule risk we have to wear fucking masks.
But we still can’t go to a footbal match, a concert the theatre or rugby match why is everyone buying into this shit.

You REALLY have got more chance of being hit by lightening FFS