Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

It is warming to see other people make the same arithmetic fuck-ups that I make.

50k is 0.1% of the population (of the UK), actually it more like 0.07% but hey …


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Yeah one too many zeros - but still insignificant lol

Food shortages next panic

Thought you’d like this.

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Isn’t social distancing an oxymoron?



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Does that mean morons who need more oxygen in the brain?

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And…we should lock down the economy until Billy finds a vaccine to cure death,

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Thanks Alex - I didn’t know abt the swine flu payout.

There is ABSOLUTELY no historical precedent to lock down the entire world economy/population. You quarantine the sick, not the healthy.
We seem to be following the playbook of Joseph Stalin.

Please produce the name of one person who has died from Roundup. Roundup is produced by Bayer now and is certified by the US Government as safe for use.
The Roundup hoax is a production of European Union boutique organic farmers who still use 19th century technology.
The lawyer leaches have manufactured this cash cow for themselves. Go buy some Roundup and use it in your garden.

Please, you are to smart to fall for this hoax.

And no, I no longer own any Monsanto (Bayer) shares. If Bill Gates does actually own a half million Bayer shares then he has taken quite a bath.


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