Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Nah, I don’t believe politicians would do such a thang - it just has to be a conspiracist theory.

The really bizarre thing about all this bullshit is that politicians, national and local, are our servants, and yet here we are doing exactly what they manipulate us into doing as if they’re our masters, and paying their salaries all the while adds to the surrealism. So who are the suckers around here - them or us??

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But no ID is required for VOTING!

Plenty read his ‘shit’ and it still contains more value than your particular brand of trolling. No one’s buying your ~“cerberus licks his balls three times better than you” ~ bracelets either.

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Socrates and Plato thought “democracy” is the lowest form of government.
It is indeed (in the hands of sheep).

As I was saying only a few days ago - complicit governments have batallions of well-paid hirelings sitting at keyboards ready to counter rational discussion on this covid shit, and proof if proof were needed - up pops one of them. :roll_eyes:


I just found it - 1minute10secs in


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Or until they lose the will to live, then do something about it: there is a psychological element here, and they’d see it as an unexpected bonus.

One of the reasons some believe that the death rate in Italy from COVID-19 was higher than most other countries was because they were the target for a Gates’ vaccine project sponsored by the WHO.

Theres a clip of Gates in this at 8 - watch Malicious Gates - don’t you just wanna punch her in the face?
''Its going to get even crazier,
God I hope this isn’t where we are headed.

Image-1(8b) (3)


The stark point here - the elephant in the room? - is that this project would be impossible to achieve without the connivance of our own governments. Hold that sobering thought?

Those headings should be SHEEP, and NOT SHEEP? I dunno about anyone else but I’m so sick of photos like this . . .


Full-face to camera with a hint of a smile, or at least a supine acceptance, behind the mask, and the obligatory medical gloves - they’re so OBVIOUSLY staged, and the BBC has has 10 like it on their online news front page every fucking day.

The latest crap from the BBC is that there will soon be coronavirus sniffer dogs; they’ll be trained to wag their tails if they detect positives - which is what these ‘tests’ always seem to do.

Coronavirus: Sniffer dogs trial going ‘very well’

That headline sounds really up-beat, doesn’t it - probably because they’ll bring about an increase in the daily deaths numbers? :roll_eyes: Honestly if it were’t for all this shite to give me a laugh I’d be quite depressed! For instance ‘bio-detection dogs’? :sweat_smile: :joy:

I heard some dogs can smell cancer.
But how accurately?

Actually, Parkinson’s disease is very rare and most “Parkinson’s patients” don’t have the disease. Many are given the symptoms because of the drugs doctors prescribe.