Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

The Dead Zone ‘‘predicted’ all this in 2003 - life imitating art?’

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There is no conspiracy just the reality of our elected officials in action.

And they don’t even hide it.

Not any more they don’t - they actually think it’s a vote winner lol - And not all conspiracies are hidden, a lot of ppl refuse to see them tho.
I would also posit that a lot is still hidden that we don’t know abt yet

Conspiracy - n. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. - Isn’t that the pure definition of CV19(and BLM for that matter, which is also not ‘‘hidden’’?) -

I have watched about 1/2 of the video.
I get the man’s point, but on the other hand, what’s the quality of life among the elderly people he speaks of?

I have worked in nursing homes in Japan and seen a number of bad cases. Not that the old folks are badly treated. On the contrary. They are treated very well.

Three meals a day, either in a dining hall or through a tube, whilst the residents are taken to a bath once or twice a week in a wheel chair or on a special movable bed, if necessary, their clothes and bed linens washed, etc.

But what do they do the whole day?
Watch TV if they can still follow dramas and understand the news. Or simply lie in bed, either asleep or half awake.

Is that life? No.
All at the expense of tax payers. Yes, they have been tax payers themselves and have seen World War II and other nasty events in the 20th century. Are they imparting their wisdom (if they possess any) and experiences to younger generations? No.

The issue is, somebody is playing God, determining who is to live and who is to die.

The virus scare. What a convenient excuse!

Why have you only watched half of it - it’s only 20 minutes long.

My Windows 8 was acting up. LOL
I shall watch the rest now.

It’s not a conspiracy but the way our politicians act and perform today. The amazing thing is we continue to re-elect the same people year after year.

Welcome to the NWO - this is 1984 on steroids

And I knew the usual suspects would be involved somewhere

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Exactly - they’re fucking with our minds? Of course it’s a conspiracy you naive idiot, they want to cull us. Jesus even when it’s explained to them they still don’t get it! The expression ‘useful idiots’ comes to mind.

From the link:

“Consent is voluntary, but enforcement will be compulsory.”

In other words it’s Hobson’s Choice. :laughing: :rofl:

The Useful Idiots - and they far out-number the rest of us - still won’t get it.

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Your idea of a conspiracy and min are certainly different.

Which is not a conspiracy but the reality of how politicians are today.

Prepare for the “next one”?

What is he “preparing”?



I suspect ‘coronavirus’ has a lot more mileage left in it yet, without bothering to replace it so soon. It’ll take the sheep another year or two before they cotton on that there’s something fishy about it, and use what little IQ they have to figure out what it might be?

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