Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Oooo… that’s scary.
Very scary.

The real reason behind the CV hoax might be even more scary.
The second wave in September fits with the planned rollout of 5G.
5G was originally developed by the Joos for crowd control.
This is a MUST SEE! - Wake up ppl.

‘‘We need to take away big Pharma’s vaccine immunity’’ - quote.

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Makes sense.
The same folks behind BLM and the mess in Washington State, Minnesota and elsewhere.

And you won’t have to worry about doctors as they walk away from medicine due to the cost of malpractice insurance forever.


Don’t forget - some ‘doctors’ are quacks? Plus ca change? Wake up and smell it mate??

Would that it were so easy - or even possible? It reminds me of the story about the cat and the mice: one of the mice came up with the idea of tying a bell around the cat’s neck, and after they all thought ‘What a brilliant idea, why didn’t we think of it before? We’ll hear it coming and can run away.’ Then the question was raised ‘So who’s going to tie the bell around the cat’s neck?’ Then, after the pregnant pause, it was a case of ‘Everyone back to the drawing board’? lol

And to think I once said, when it first started ‘Nah, it’ll soon fizzle out - they’re not smart enough to carry it through.’ How naive could I be?

Insurance or not, they still make good money.

The solution is simple. Use different newfangled viruses and pretend they are the same old Covid 19.

Every easy to accomplish because they have the mainstream media around the world lined up for that. LOL

Think of it this way.
Big pharma has no incentive to ‘‘cure’’ us of anything - If we are all healthy and have no health issues their business model collapses and they all go bankrupt.
They have an incentive to make sure we don’t get better.
If thats not a prime example of moral hazard or conflict of interest I don’t know what is.

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Big Pharma doesn’t want us dead, and yet it doesn’t want us to be healthy either.

Just sick enough and unable to think.

That’s the way Big Pharma and Big Banks want us to be.

You’re forgetting the Georgia Guidstones

In today’s Kung Flu news, Brazil retains a stranglehold on the top spot, Diversity America rockets back up to 2nd, Dirty Mexico takes 3rd, Disgusting India slides to 4th, and North Pakistan returns to the top 5


No, I haven’t forgotten about their “death wish” which says over 90% of humans should be gone.

They are the top dog elite who have already accumulated so much wealth that money doesn’t count anymore.

Big Pharma and Big Banks, however, are operated by the class of people who are one rank below. They want to make money through the medical establishment and fake Babylonian banking system.

And would it be a bad thing for pharma to drop the manufacture of all drugs because of liability claims???

Would it be a problem if doctors refused to treat some people because they are likely fo die and the family may sue???

:roll_eyes: We’re talking about fake drugs here - especially fake vaccines containing all kinds of crap including nano-technological as well as animal and human physiological ingredients and metals - not bloody aspirin. Something tells me you’re just not ‘getting it’. I understand Fauci et al are on the verge of trialling one, which has taken weeks to ‘invent’ rather than about 3 years as most vaccines have taken hitherto. Are you going to volunteer to be a member of the clinical trials group? Here’s one sucker who can’t wait to be first in line . . .

Coronavirus: Human trial of new vaccine begins in UK

. . . unless it’s fake news, which of course it obviously is - when was the last time we had some true news?

I’m not in need of a vaccine of any sort.

Don’t think Gates would agree with you

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Yeah, well tell that to the Track and Trace wonks when they come knocking at your door demanding you and your family submit to a coronavirus test, tell you that your kids or wife, mother or father, tested positive and will now be removed to a place of isolation ‘to stop the spread of the virus’, and let us know what they say? They probably won’t say anything because they’ll be laughing too much because you declined the invitation.

You really don’t have the faintest idea what this is about, do you?

I couldn’t help laughing: on the BBC news last night they reported from a place swarming with sunbathers, and water-bathers in a nearby river, and from among about a thousand of them, the reporter just so happened to speak to some young female whom he described as a nurse who was taking in some sun . . . ‘on her day off as a Covid19 nurse’. And here’s the thing - she had to swim to the river bank to speak to the reporter. ‘staged’ or what?? :roll_eyes: :smile:

Did you watch Peston last night?
They were discussing the lockdown and how bad it was that Cummins broke the rules to leave home for child care. And that took up most of the dicussion time.
Not one single mention of fucking Ferguson, who broke it so he could get laid.
Biased or what?

No, Peston’s a minge. As far as i know Ferguson was paid off for services rendered, and is probably in the Lords now, or spending his pay-off money somewhere or other. I think it was in one of your excellent videos which mentioned that Cummings paid a visit to the HQ of AstraZeneca (or GSK?) while he was up north; and fairly recently Johnson has had meetings with some pharma or science bigwig (don’t have time to look now - nor the inclination either to be honest) probably to replace him.