Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

I see you’re the first in line for Gates’ vaccine.

Stick around.
We want to know what will happen then.

I don’t require vaccines. The average person does require vaccines.

Some are blessed or cursed with built proof immune systems.

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It doesn’t matter a fuck what vaccines consist of, it’s that anyone with a funtioning immune system - which is probably 90% of a given populace - don’t want nor need what those ‘ingredients’ forced into them, especially when it’s a known fact that to do so will fuck up a perfectly-working immune system. Jesus christ am I really having to say that!


So small pox, vaccines are not necessary.

The upside is it’s all about choice. You can chose to vaccinate or not, and you can deal with the consequences.

Many had chicken pox, measles, mumps etc. We lived without the vaccinations.

Not sure how this population would do with a small pox outbreak, maybe hide in the basement till it goes away.

Small pox was on its way out from the surface of Earth anyway.

AIDS was spread in Africa on purpose with an excuse to eradicate something that was disappearing anyway.

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There is some evidence that the present day increase in cancers is linked to the vaccines we were given in the 50/60’s.
The main q I have abt them is that if they are so safe why do the pharma co’s get immunity from prosecution for any side effects.
If they are safe they don’t need immunity.


If they are hell bent on reducing world population, they should try it in inept countries (of a certain continent with a fast growing population) which cannot feed their own people

Probably the same as any other viral condition - the immune system will sort it, and as all viruses do, it would have gone away. As a domiciliary carer for some years, I’ve always qualified for the annual flu shot, and have just chosen to have the shingles vaccination - before learning about all the shit that goes into the vaccines; but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have got the flu or singles if I hadn’t had them - it’s impossible to prove one way or the other. In fact, two winters ago just before Xmas I had the classic signs of flu a few days after having the jab, so by my logic it’s reasonable to assume that if I hadn’t had the jab, I wouldn’t have got the infection.

I think/hope that Gates has got it covered lol.

#‘’ Is Bill Gates Really a Racist Using Climate Change as the Excuse to Depopulate Africa?‘’


Oh well, it’s the black who hate the blacks most.

Gates is probably small fry in this regard…

curiouser and curiouser

‘‘Might such effects include the “cannibalism” disease kuru, a neuro-degenerative disease with effects similar to mad-cow (Creutzfeldt-Jacobs) disease?’’ quoted from Giza article above.

And there is evidence that people are now living into their 70’s and 80’s vs. 60’s.

Today a person can sue an obstritician for something that may have happened at birth. Doctors are required to carry insurance for delivery until the child is 21 years plus 20 years.
Meaning they must carry liability insurance even after they retire for an additional 20 years.

Really want to see the cost of low cost vaccinations today with liability insurance added to cover an additional 20+ years?

Really want a world with out small pox vaccinations? Typhoid fever, the plague?

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No, but I don’t want my grandchildren to be autistic and I don’t want cancer either.
Liability insurance ensures that doctors and big pharma pay the price for their mistakes or malpractice. Why is that a bad thing?



I thought it was very strange that this happened only in China.
Some people died on the street spewing what appears to be blood.

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Lovely isn’t it.

Shhh… Don’t tell anyone. It’s 5geee… Shhh


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