Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣


public doesn’t appear to be very intelligent


You couldn’t make this shit up.


Our governments are exercising their power to favor businesses in a biased fashion linked to the magnitude of their financial impact on tax revenues and campaign contributions.

The big box stores are good to go while the mom and pop shops (where exposure to other people is exponentially lower) are ordered to stay closed.

I’ve just had a brainwave - yes I do have one now and again lol - this covid shit is to make those of us with more than a few brain cell so depressed that we’ll all lose the fucking will to live; then when we top ourselves, only the sheep will be left, and they’re easy to control. Mission Accomplished?? Gawd I’m so smart it frightens me.

I was at the barber shop at just after 6 this morning, thinking it would come under the ‘small businesses’ heading to be reopened today, but for some obscure reason known only to Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, MP, hairdressers won’t be ‘allowed’ to open until 4 July at the earliest. DOH! And all this for an outbreak of seasonal fucking flu. That’s what you couldn’t make up?? Something weird has happened to us, I just know it!

“2m distancing rule under review despite warnings from scientists - BBC News”

Who the fuck is running this country, an unelected bunch of proven hopelessly incompetent ‘scientists’ or an elected government . . . albeit that it’s hopelessly incompetent too, but at least it was elected? :laughing:

FFS Bring on someone from the real world like Nigel Farage who knows what he’s talking about, not some Tory posh boy who doesn’t know the price of a pint of milk? lol

Commuter trains here are already jam packed in the morning and in the evening. (OK, maybe passengers are 80% of what they used to be before the corona BS)

Obviously, train operators here never heard of 1.5 meter rule.

Trains run with windows open and airconditioning at full blast. LOL

Problem,reaction solution.

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Have you noticed that ALL the bad effects from CV19 were nothing to do with the virus but were directly attributable to our govts’ reaction to it.

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And they’re not finished . . . we haven’t had the second wave yet? I mean there’s bound to be one - probably the one when barber shops are about to open, but the imaginary ‘second wave’ will mean they’ll retrintroduce the lockdown. I know this is big, but I honestly couldn’t imagine Farage nor Thatcher fucking about like this.

I’m not convinced the virus is even much of a problem.
Do you, personally, know anyone who knows anyone who has it, let alone anyone who has died from it? Just one even? nah? me neither

And they now have a convenient scapegoat.

They are planning on the second wave in August / September according to the intel given to Simon Parkes

He has been pretty accurate so far, albeit not 100%

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How many times can we possibly go over the fact YOU ARE HARMING YOURSELF BY BREATHING IN TOXIC WASTE…your own might we add.
This is the satanic cabal’s way by slowly enforcing mass suicide to depopulate.
Wars, vaccines, from Al Gore & AOC’s climate change to Greta’s: How dare you breath out CO2.
Wake Up!
Connect the dots.

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Beginning with the head of the government, Trump, declaring the virus a national emergency, assembling a coronavirus task force to fight the “invisible enemy” while declaring himself a wartime president, requesting unprecedented stimulus money that dwarfs the stimulus package that Obama got, invoking DPA, restricting travel between the US and China, then the US and Europe, then the US and Mexico/Canada, then conducting daily White House press briefings with himself front and center to make sure that we know that HE’s the one pushing all the mitigation through, insisting his name be on checks that go out to Americans, again to make sure we all know that Donald Trump is the one fighting the virus and fighting for our health and livelihoods that are threatened by it…

And yet, despite Trumps such ownership of Covid 19, the Trumper is in utter denial of it and spins a narrative nothing near reality.

Haven’t watched this yet - take it or leave it.

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Enforcement of lockdown didn’t “flatten the curve” while not enforcing lockdownt did “flatten the curve” like in Sweden and Japan.

Lockdown basically was an experiment to see how gullible the sheep are.

The whole concept of population control, or culling, and master race stems from the Babylonian Talmud.

Yes, the Babylonian curse is still with us, as in the (Babylonian) banking and financial system which we take for granted. This system requires periodic collapsing (done artificially) to milk the working class.

Thought it was funny Johnson calling out all the right wing racist thugs in the UK…

No, I mean the re-set is big, not the virus. I mean even Fauci himself has said there’s not a lot of difference between cv19 and influenza. so straight from the horse’s gob?

I might have dreamt this last night(!), but I think the LGBQXYZ whatever TF they call themselves these days wants its own ‘LGBQXYZ Lives Matter’ now? I’m beginning to wonder if this world isn’t in urgent need of a re-set? lol