Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣



Oh, now it’s “very rare”.


Haha, all the scare mongering, wearing of masks, talks about vaccines…

Much ado about nothing!

Well according to this site the Yanks don’t seem to care much so why should we worry about it; I mean not one bite on the thread? 6666 might not even get here to the UK - the whole thing might be called off before they get around to us?? :grin:

That was a few weeks ago, but as I understand it, Dr Buttar and lots of his associates worldwide have had meetings with him since then. Even if Trump weren’t ‘impotent’, if he made an EO to halt vaccines research half of the US electorate would be rioting on the streets against him, such is the societal and political division. For example, the division here over Brexit still rumbles on. ‘Divide and rule’? Works every time!

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What’s the point, Trump is pressing hard for vaccines…And you ask, “wtf is the obsession with vaccines”…

Yep we were conned

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At least some decent ideas coming from Holland.

All the mainstream media in Holland is run by you know who and full of crap.



Every bloody English-speaking country on the planet seems to be fully signed up to this scam as if it’s the return of the Bubonic Plague, when really it’s nearer the common cold. Every BBC tv news contains a scene of busy-busy nurses who can hardly move because they’re wearing so much PPE and so fat lol - actually they’re the same recordings shown over and over again, because I’ve recognized some of the nurses who were easily identified from previous ‘versions’; I suppose they need to do that because all hospitals are nearly empty, except for security staff to ensure enquiring journalists don’t get into the buildings - and nurses and doctors laid off. Still I don’t give a fuck about that because Gates and Fauci seem to have it all sewn up. The barber shops are reopening next week and that all I care about. Who’d be a female, and have fuck about with hair every day of their lives? As to your comment though - it’s just that I thought The Donald was smarter than the career politicians, and had de-funded the WHO, but I guess Gates has made up the difference? lol

I can’t sit through half an hour of that, but the thing is that no matter how many eminent virologists/epidemiologists are courageous enough to ‘go against the grain’, they’re literally ignored in favour of proven flawed evidence, so the official narrative goes along uninterrupted. I don’t really know why they do it, because for every one person who watches their videos, there are 10,000 who watch the mainstream media, so why take the risk of trying to expose it. I guess it’s only a matter of time before nobody does try any more.

Woke people are a minority. That’s a given.
It may be one against one million, but it doesn’t matter because even the woke people started from the status of sheeple at one point.

Why? You racist or somethin? Dutch is a beautiful language. LOL

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Yeah, surprise surprise…

Trumps intelligence is irrelevant he is only the figurehead that creates the illusion we live in a democracy.

… the longer a mask is worn the more the blood is desaturated.


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Oh no! Is men’s room that far?
No trees around here?


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I can’t believe that Gates and Fauci are getting away with this without any censure - they have a totally free hand to do as they please. All western governments seem to be buying into this utter drivel. But then as @Magog says, our leaders are mere puppets of the WHO, and we’re their puppets. China and Russia are the only sane countries on this planet because their leaders will tell the globalists to go and fuck themselves if they tried this kind of crap on their countries. To think that all of those toxic ingredients will soon be injected into perfect babies, and their physiology will be fucked as soon as they’re born; and for what? And irrational greed for money - these evil cunts really must believe that when they’re on their deathbeds they’ll be taking their wealth with them . . . to Hell, because that’s where they’ll be headed.

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