Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

If anyone by now isn’t convinced that this shite is a gigantic hoax they must be living under a rock, or is one of the sheep. A lot of sheeple are loving every minute of it, believe it or not.

Re the video - who can deny that the planet is in urgent need of population reduction but eugenics isn’t the way to go about it.

And it’s not even necessary - most of the civilised western world has had a declining population since the 50’s.
Thats why TPTB started flooding the West with wogs.

LOL Well it makes sense - most wogs are fast-breeders - and enthusiastically prolific breeders too, especially where religion comes into the equation. Their ‘nuclear family’ consists of mother, father and around sixteen sprogs.

It has occured to me that all these rainbow signs to support the NHS must’ve done wonders for LGTBTQ recruitment numbers. :grimacing:


You still don’t get it, do you?
He has maneuvered the dems into a position where they are pro BLM. pro defund police, pro lockdown, pro riots and pro looting.
Trump can now blame the dems for forcing his hand on the CV - he’s played the demorats beautifully and Nov will be one for the history books.

After 4 months of shameless fear-mongering of the most vulnerable groups in our society, the oldest and the youngest, the BBC has the brass nerve to have this corporate blurb on its front page:

"1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.

The BBC should provide duly accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming to build people’s understanding of all parts of the United Kingdom and of the wider world. Its content should be provided to the highest editorial standards. It should offer a range and depth of analysis and content not widely available from other United Kingdom news providers, using the highest calibre presenters and journalists, and championing freedom of expression, so that all audiences can engage fully with major local, regional, national, United Kingdom and global issues and participate in the democratic process, at all levels, as active and informed citizens."

But hey, it is shortly going to launch a dramatic version of the events in Salisbury, so at least nobody can accuse it of not providing comedy as part of the remit?

No, he hasn’t done a thing, and Democratic Americans are not pro riots and looting, nor do they support defunding the police. They do support police reform however. Trump owns Covid 19…:wink:

Exactly - that is why Trump has linked a vote for the Dems in Nov with a vote for more rioting and looting - Trumps strategy has worked brilliantly.

Think they’re gonna need a bigger stadium LOL


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But you accused the Democrats of being pro looting and rioting. Of course you lie…

Who gives a fuck if a million people want to go to a racist Trump rally. There’s 340 million Americans…:roll_eyes:

''Hillary Clinton reacted to Trump’s scheduled rally:

“If your rallies come with a liability waiver, you shouldn’t be holding them.”’’

I thought the above from Hitlery was interesting - Do you think she knows that big pharma have a similar waiver on vaccines

So when her mate Gates starts pushing a mandatory CV vac will she use the same argument I wonder?


No I didn’t, I merely noted that Trumps strategy was to link the current riots with the fact that most ppl calling for policies that support antifa and defunding the police etc have also got Dem governors/mayors and councils - even you should be able to see the connection. The American ppl will also make that connection in November.

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Yes you did, you even gave credit to Trump for “maneuvering them into a position of pro riots and pro looting”…



5G - Antifa - CV19 - it’s all connected

‘‘Democrat policy is to loot and burn cities to overthrow Trump’’

‘‘400 silver 10,000 gold.’’

The powers that be behind the mainstream media know that the covid 19 thing is fake.
So the media says anything, contradicting itself, and they don’t care.
The guy who insisted on lockdown and social distancing was meeting his mistress on the sly… No surprise there.

Brooklyn Museum has a nice collection of ancient art, but when it comes to modern art, disgusting. Feminist art, black art… Forget it.

Then how is that Trump doesn’t know its fake lol, you denied that he called it a hoax. And he was really duped then by plunging America further into debt with all his mitigating measures to fight it…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

He doesn’t control everything in America, Stalin-style like in North Korea.
The ilks of Fauci, who represent the Deep State, are still very powerful.
