Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

This probly explains why

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but this woman looks awful… almost demonic.

The black death was blamed on the ■■■■ who allegedly poisoned the Goy’s wells.
Can they also be blamed for CV19?
They did/do own the lab in China where it all started but thats just a cohencidence.
It’s also being hyped by the ■■■■■■ owned MSM
Just sayin


When I first saw that post I thought it was Greta Fuckberg LOL.


Wake Up World!

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What they never mention is that the more ppl get infected, the quicker we gain’‘herd immunity’’
Once that happens we don’t need an expensive vaccine bc we will all be immune.
The more ppl get infected the better.


I posted in another thread that I spoke with many vendors today (manufacturers located throughout the United States) who are absolutely overwhelmed by new orders and the amount of business they are doing.

My showroom has been swamped. My neighboring business who does custom kitchens is overwhelmed.

The media is feeding doom and gloom when in fact, for many who power through this, the opposite is true.

Yes. The doom and gloom media is doing everything to destroy the economy that was booming by Trump so that by November the Demoncrats can take the White House by hook or by crook. Be it destroying the economy by misinformation with a second Fauci wave, to promoting race riots to keep blacks from leaving the slum plantations and getting red pilled, to pushing a fake international incident maybe with China so that Trump will look ineffectual and out of control, to another fake mass murder in a “No Gun Zone” that Biden helped push thru Senate decades ago, to maybe an assassination attempt against Trump himself.
It’s like they say, Truth is Stranger than Fiction. History is being manipulated on real time.
Remember the show “Believe it or Not”? It will go down to the wire.
Any bets, step right up!


It IS booming from my perspective, my experience and that of the people I’m in contact with.

Since those who recover are immune not likely.

Read our constitution sometime dipshit.

Until it’s been suspended the Federal Gov’t has no such authority.

Governors are responsible for policies in each state, not Trump or any other POTUS.

We are a republic of 50 states, not a centralized nationally governed nation.

Unfortunately I think the damage is done.
A lot of businesses won’t be re-opening even if they lift the lockdown now.
How many restaurants have already closed for good.
How many hotels?
How many airlines will close?
How many cruise lines?
How many holiday tour operators?
Yes there is a lot of fear porn, but a lot of it is already baked in the cake.

Is the world waking up?

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I watched a YT vid last night which discussed the breathtaking expenditure of the support payouts (there as well as here in the UK), and reading between the lines, the reporter said that if this ‘vaccine’ shite (my vernacular, not the reporter’s lol) can be pulled off, it will mean billions of vaccinations globally every year for years to come, all of them paid for by governments (with taxpayers’ money, naturellement? :roll_eyes: ), and that the returns for government treasuries of this expenditure will be multiplied countless times.

Some of us are waking up - some of us were never asleep? - but the vast majority won’t believe it, in the sense that ‘Some lies are too big to not be the truth.’, and this is one of them.

There’s one thing that could expose all of this for the crap that it is, and it’s for governments to consult other medical/scientific experts - and there are many eminent ones to choose from - thence to review the status quo narrative: if it’s proven to have been wrong all along, admit it was all based upon a single source which was unreliable and flawed, namely the advice of the incompetent Prof Ferguson, and then lift the bloody lockdown without further delay.

Alternatively though, if there really is the will to eradicate coronavirus, then it’s to treat it with hydroxychloroquine, a proven instant cure which has been around for 2 decades.

@Didgevillage How about the link about the NYC doctor who disappeared then, Didge?

@TWR #3436 You don’t seriously believe that the architects of this ‘pandemic’ and their stooges give a fuck about your Constitution do you? :roll_eyes:

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He works in a ■■■■■■ hospital in Brooklyn (New York).
He blew the whistle on the problem of ventilators.

Jesus - I know all about ventilators, and obviously he does too; I didn’t ask for video evidence that he knows about them, I asked the simple question - what makes you say he has disappeared???

Oh, I’m sure he is in the same hospital, but he is not in the social media as much as he was before. Obviously he was taken off line, so to speak, to treat Covid 19

But Trump claims he has the authority to override governors, just threatened again to reopen churches across the country if governors don’t…:thinking: