Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣








Trump has the authority to pardon any minister who is prosecuted.

That’s pure BS. Once this virus has run it’s course once those who have been exposed will have immunity to it.

Those who haven’t and are vaccinated will also have immunity.

No he doesn’t. His authority for pardons is limited to federal charges.

The DOJ however can take the governors into federal court for violations of civil rights under color of law which is a federal crime for which they can face both civil and criminal penalties.

If they are prosecuted in federal court. But that wasn’t the point, nor what I was talking about…:man_shrugging:

He does! It’s called EO! Funny you were ok when Obama did it! Or the fact your OK with civil liberties being arbitrarily violated!

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Don’t believe everything you read in the mainstream media - just stick with NASA’s daily outpouring of clickbait bullshit.

But they still have to have a 'flu shot every year even though it can only be a generic one, based on the numbers affected by whatever the strain of the outbreak 12 months previously. In other words they do not have lifelong immunity from a one-off shot, as you seem to be suggesting.

Vaccination damages human immunity.
That’s why you have to keep on getting shots every year.

How many hundreds?
You die from all these nasty chemicals rather than the infection per se.

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Agree that. Because of my previous role as a full-time carer I’ve been having the annual flu jab for some years, but after what I’ve been reading about vaccinations and what can be in the hypodermic needle, I’m never going to have another one: I’ve had 3 bouts of 'flu and fully recovered from them, so I’ll take my chances in any more of them.

Where do you come up with all this retarded crap?

We get different flu vaccines every year because the predominant strain or strains change every year.

This is not the flu, it’s a specific CV and we know those who have been exposed, about 98-98% of them develop immunity.

The same will be true of the vaccine.

You don’t even have a jr high level understanding of virology or epidemiology.

That’s true, I don’t. But I get my information from world-renowned virologists and epidemiologists, and eminent university professors like Dr Shiva, Dr Rashid Buttar, and professor Judy Mikovits to name but three, who know a fucking sight more than you do, you preposterous deluded bullshitter.

So, how do they come up with a new vaccine before the flu du jour makes an appearance?

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“Coronavirus: Further 16 deaths recorded in Scotland”

Thank goodness for the BBC - who else could we rely on to give us the latest body-count every hour, on the hour? :sweat_smile:

I’ve just had a thought. Supposing all this covid shite was going on in Russia or China, and Russian/Chinese epidemiologists, specialist doctors, and nurses who spoke out were disappearing, gagged with menaces, or being made redundant by the score because they blew the whistle, what would the western world, especially the US and UK, have to say about that??

“at least two federal appeals courts—the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit and the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit—have stepped in to allow churches to proceed with their services.”

Federal appeal court decisions, Presidential pardons.

Violation of a US citizen’s constitutional right is a federal issue.

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