Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Nicely put. Whenever I see The Donald at a press conference and VP Pence is standing there like a tailor’s dummy as usual, I find myself wondering what his stance is on all this crap.

"Boris Johnson sets 10-day target for track and trace system so lockdown can be eased.

Boris Johnson said the government has recruited a 25,000-strong army of trackers to identify the contacts of infected victims and this could result in lockdown restrictions being lifted"

Yeah right - softlee, softlee, catchee monkey?

Do the right thing!


The virus is not a hoax its the response that is the hoax.
The flu killed more pple last year than CV but we didn’t trash the economy - it’s been over-hyped and Trump knows it - I think(hope) Boris knows too

I don’t call him ‘Boris’ any more because I don’t trust him further than I could chuck him: First it’s 'The lockdown will be lifted if there isn’t a second wave - there has been no second wave nor will it matter in the highly unlikely event that there is: then 'When the 5 tests have been met.: then ‘When the Track&Trace is up and running,’ blah blah.

As it happens, i heard two guys talking in the Sainsbury queue this morning; one of them was ranting about how useless politicians are. When the queue moved I said to him ‘But what you’re saying is that we’re being ordered about by incompetent individuals, and we’re doing exactly what they tell us to do like Pavlov’s dogs; don’t you think Johnson should be held to account for the way he’s fucked up this lockdown?’ He looked at me in disgust, and said ‘You’ve got it wrong - Boris knows what he’s doing.’ The depths to which human stupidity can reach never ceases to amaze me - in fact it’s why they despise us so much.

NB I didn’t actually say ‘ffucked up’ I said messed up…

Also @Magog - Johnson implemented this lockdown for one reason and one reason only . . . so that the NHS doesn’t get overloaded. So if he didn’t have an agenda, and the NHS certainly DIDN’T get overloaded, with the two Nightingales not seeing any staff never mind any patients, then he would lift it without any further delay?

I would do the same thing (if I was a karate black belt).

Neither Johnson nor Trump has a full control of their respective country.
In the US, the Deep State is still powerful, and I’m sure England has its equivalent. Johnson was very ill, when the vaccine thing passed the parliament or whatever

Actually, in the four miles I walked coming home from Sains, and being quite used to seeing oncoming footpassngers swerving to avoid me like I got the Black Death Plague, some of them almost verge on panic as they scuttle around looking for a bolt hole to get away from me. But as if that isn’t bizarre enough, I get a ‘Harrumph’ when I don’t thank them as I pass. I reckon that this neurotic distancing, and the face masks in the middle of nowhere, are a goody-two-shoes statement viz, ‘Look at me everybody, I’m doing what the government tells us to do.’ Yes, there really are people who are that small-minded.

How do you know Johnson was very ill, Didge?

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Did you delete yours?
Johnson was in the hospital with Covid 19, while his girlfriend was in labor (giving birth LOL)

It’s all abt money.
The UK cannot afford to pay ppl to stay at home for very much longer, the country will go bankrupt - hows that gonna save the NHS?
Boris knows that and I don’t trust him either but he is not in charge, he is just the figure head.
The grey suits are running the show and they will lift the lockdown when their wallets start complaining.
The key event will be the schools - when they go back you’ll know it’s all over.
Unfortunately the teachere unions quite like being paid to stay at home, so they will resist to the last.

Then why did Trump issue a national emergency, restrict travel to and from China and then Europe, restrict cross border traffic at north and south borders, create a coronavirus task force to address the enemy, declare himself a war time president, request an unprecedented stimulus from congress, praise both California and New York governors for leading the way with stay at home orders, invoke the DPA, and the host of other things he’s done to respond to this pandemic, that he’s never done for any flu season.

No, he’s managed to keep his base in tact by convincing them that the response is a hoax, but HE’S the one that has responded in unprecedented fashion…:roll_eyes:

There is absolutely no need for lockdowns.

Maybe he knows bc he is behind it or part of it? Cui Bono?
He wanted a row with China - he wants to bring manufacturing back from China.He wants to fix the banksters, he wants to fuck the demonrats, he wants to expose global warming, he wants to fuck AIPAC - yeah maybe all just my wishful thinking, but I really do think that all this is MUCH BIGGER than we will ever know and I also think that the ‘‘good guys’’ will win.

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''The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater. ‘’

It was all planned.

It has been revealed that a “strange comic book” was “commissioned for publication by the European Union in 2012” and it “eerily predicted almost exactly what has unfolded with the Covid-19 global pandemic” :

The comic book, titled ‘Infected’, was a production of the European Commission’s international cooperation and development arm. It was not intended for widespread public consumption, but instead to be distributed inside EU institutions…

…The graphic novel depicts scientists inside a lab in China experimenting with deadly pathogens…

…The story features the transmission of a novel virus from animals to humans in a crowded wet market…

… “Indeed, imagine if you were infected in this market by a new contagious agent.” says the UN’s chief advisor on contagious diseases, adding “You probably wouldn’t even realise it until the end of the incubation period.”

The publication suggests that air travel would exacerbate the spread of the disease, with the character adding that “You’d have headed back to Europe, the US, Latin America, or Australia as planned via an international airport.”

The cartoon depicts the failure of a global health organisation to act quickly enough to stop a pandemic…
… It also predicts draconian safety measures, including social distancing, which make everyday life “totally unbearable”…

Trump was aware that there are a few different strains of virus going around.
Restricting overseas travel makes sense in such a situation.

Everybody knows China (or more precisely CCP) is the enemy.

Overall, the smartest move was made by Sweden and to some extent Japan, where there was no lockdown, thus minimizing economic damages.

Well you really truncated the list of extreme mitigating measures taken by the Trump administration. It doesn’t matter in the end what that 35% of Trumpers think about it, it’s plain to see for the rest of us that he’s playing to you guys on one hand by not wearing a mask, taking chloroquine (maybe…:roll_eyes:) criticizing his own administrations handling of it, criticizing his own hand picked staffers and members of his administration, demonizing the WHO, China, the democrats, and anybody else that curries him favor with the group that would turn a blind eye were he to commit murder in broad daylight on 5th Avenue.

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Strange that she didn’t get it too? It’s also strange that prince Charles’ squeeze didn’t get it either??