Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

You’re obviously a smart guy Magog so surely you know that a few Lord Sumptions can’t do anything? For one thing he and others on our side are slowly but surely being ‘deplatformed’?

Wrong thread, MayGag!

Yeah I know, but he is part of the establishment(the one that takes decisions) and even one dissenting voice can have a disproportionate impact.
Whilst I think most of our rulers are bastards - they are not stupid and they will eventually(if not already) realise the damage this is doing to all our lives, both socially and more importantly financially.
At the end of the day trashing the economy will benefit no-one and if they care about anything, they care about money more than anything else.

I’m not so sure - both CV and MP are a joke imo.

They might or might not be stupid - although that’s a discussion for another day - but they’re under instruction, and have to do what they’re told the same as we have to do what they tell US to do. Wheels within wheels?

Brilliant? or just another MP sketch?

So Boris stood before the nation and did the only thing that was left available to him, he bumbled his way through a speech which basically left the rules open to infinite interpretation. In a nutshell: If you can work at home, then do; if you can’t, then don’t. Travel, but try not to. Meet people, but not too many. Go out as much as you want, but try not to go out. Oh, and ride a bike**. In other words, sort yourselves out like adults.**

The general response in the media and social mediasphere was rage at the sheer incompetence, and the confusion caused. The general feeling was that his suggestions were too vague, but that was the point. Just be careful, and take your chances. Granted, it’s not perfect as a policy slogan, but it’s really not that complex.

People of Britain, he is easing you into the next phase, you can take the opportunity of trying to restore normality now, or take your time. Make your own choices!

David Icke’s site has been completely taken out, seems like.

That Monty Python bit makes the government look completely idiotic. Any government and its policies are often very idiotic, including the lockdown thing.

Lord Sumption

The lockdowns have made things worse.



I wonder who is the owner of that rag.

The populist idiot takes advice from a proven and acknowledged ‘scientist’, takes extreme action on the bullshit advice that he hears, then can’t make up his mind what to do next; he’s probably confusing us so we accidentally fall foul of the ambiguities (‘Be alert’ :roll_eyes: ), then the plod can fine us. Just when you think it can’t get any more chaotic, or surreal, it does. The lock down rationale has been totally demolished, with every single day meaning more business are going bankrupt and big companies are shutting down for good, but rather than admit the breathtaking errors of judgement, the **** keeps it all going to make it even worse. And I have very good reason to doubt he’s actually been in an IC unit in his life - unless being shown around, shirtsleeves rolled up, tie tucked into shirt, and rubbing his hands together after making sure he was photo-opp’d squirting the alcogel onto them, which he got from Cameron’s book of 'How a prime minister can make himself look like he’s on the case. ‘But he got us out of the EU’, I hear y’all cry, but to that I cry back ‘Well he didn’t have much fucking choice not to, did he - he was elected on that pledge ffs!’ Churchill and Thatcher would be shaking their heads in disbelief if they could see this country right now.

‘And some have greatness thrust upon them’?

Its all abt vit D - in other words go OUT and grab some rays.

Gates is one evil BASTARD

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Bill Gates father William Gates Sr. was a board member of Planned ParentHood. Planned Parenthood was formed in 1916 deriving from the eugenic agenda.They kill about 1,000 babies a day, the equivalent number of over 17 school buses full of children. Since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, in the psychopathic warped mind of Gates and all in the Satanic cult, that’s not fast enough.




Thought this is what Trump was up to


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It’s all a fucking hoax but now we gotta find out why - is it really just to make sure Trump loses in Nov???