Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Yeah it was my dyslexia - numbers confuse me. Hopefully @Magog understood it, to make your effort worthwhile? lol

That’s what corona vaccination is all about. Don’t you think?

D - These projections were for 2017 - it is now 2020
I think when it was done it was based on the declining trend of indiginous ppls - Not sure it still applies, although population may not decline overall, the indiginous natives may eventually become a minority and that is the problem we need to worry abt
Ppl been forecasting the end of the world since Jesus was born

Maybe - but I think that is a Gates project and I think his days are numbered

Similar thing with the Georgia guidestones

If Gates’ days are numbered why shouldn’t Fauci’s be? Why aren’t they facing some kind of charges in the Court of Human Rights, for intent to kill millions of innocent ppl? But as I’ve said, they’re untouchables because they know too much.

@Magog So what do you think of my 3343 link, M?

??? do you mean the vid you posted earlier - my turn for a senior moment lol?
That would only work imo if the majority complied and I think that is highly unlikely - theres no way they could forcibly vaccinate the whole population - there really would be a riot.

I really think that Trump has their cards marked but its early days yet - give them enough rope situation

Of course I don’t believe the figures there, not just for the UK.
They want to create the situation of “self-fulfilling prophecy”

But why single out the UK?

The figures are meant for 2025.
A lot of people are puzzled about the figures.
The deagel website is related to the military.

This is real.

It’s started


I’m not sure abt deagal but found this comment interesting

''Pretty convincingly debunks the site as NOT “partnered” with any of the letter agencies, imo. In fact deagel themselves confirm that they aren’t working with them. Merely that they use information from those agencies, which is available to the public, to create its projections.

So it’s just some people who are guessing, based on data they’ve compiled.’’

Think it’s just a collection of whacko projections to grab attention.
But who knows if CV is the real deal maybe we ARE all gonna die.
I could be wrong of course but can’t really be bothered to find out - it’s much more interesting watching whats really happening in live time - history is being made atm and I am ‘‘sorta grateful’’ I am living through it. I’m also positioning myself and loved ones for a worst case scenario.

That’s gonna happen whether corona virus is real or not.

Then I will have corona beer (or whatever drinks of your choice) with you on the other side, which probably is much prettier. LOL

You have a very healthy attitude, I must say.

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I’d like nothing more than to believe you’re right, but this CV thing is now a runaway train, and if it means riots and civil disturbance or worse on all of the streets in the world, they wouldn’t care. For example, would you refuse to be vaccinated - especially if you knew you were in rude health but a ‘test’ result said otherwise? Actually that is the raison d’etre of the tests; there can be no other explanation to have them.

Now that one is a MP sketch LOL

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She’s either very brave, or very naive?

Only if you watch MSM - I don’t know anyone who has it - I don’t even know anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who has definitively got it FFS.
Do You?

They haven’t even got a test that works yet, so how would we know anyway?

Doesn’t matter much - it’s out there now and Trump knows.
We got ppl like Lord Sumption in UK too.

No I do’t know anyone who’s got it or had it - although a friend of mine was quite ill with something like it, but he’s being treated for prostate cancer, so would obviously be in the vulnerable groups.

For every one of us who don’t watch/read the MSM there are 500 who do? Also there was a headline a few days ago (I’ll try and find a link) announcing that they’ve cracked the antibody method of testing, and Johnson has given a few million of our pounds to get it into production.

'Covid antibody test a ‘positive development’

Obviously the BBC are very excited about it? :roll_eyes: