Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Umm, no. They don’t.

As you said, only the governors who mandate such.

That is up to the Governors and municipalities of each state.

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The new fashion norm coming to a store near you!

Cheap anti-Trump shot? Fauci had history which Trump didn’t know about - and probably wouldn’t believe what he was up to (think ‘predicting a coming pandemic the like of which we’ve never seen before’) even if he did know.

If restaurants and bars want the customers to wear masks, there will be a technical problem for eating and drinking.

Spare a thought for the poor bastards who’ve had their chemo/radio-therapy suspended or cancelled, or those waiting for the diagnostic results for serious conditions.Thank god nobody in my immediate family is among them. How many of the above groups will die whilst imaginary coronavirus patients take precedence? . True evil is stalking the world.I really hope that the architects of this evil program will find out for themselves what it’s like, and soon!!

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In the pink of health?

Stay at home (forever?).
Do you want to listen to this ghostly-looking woman when your health is the issue?


The more the Government continues with the lockdowns the more people become restless!

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Well it wasn’t expensive, that’s true. But were you wanting to deny that Trump promised an administration of the best and brightest. No administration has ever hemorrhaged personnel as his has, at the rate he’s going, the Vice President may be the only original to cross the finish line with him. He’s caustic, boorish, impetuous, rude and people don’t hang long.

And he’s firing all the independent government watch dogs… :wink:

Trump fires State Dept. watchdog critical of agency
[The Associated Press]

May 16th 2020 12:35AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has fired the State Department’s inspector general, an Obama administration appointee…


an Obama administration appointee…

Enough said. Good bye Obama appointee.

There is no virus.
Its all abt the vaccine.

In the prev vid Max mentions microbioligist who have died in mysterious circumstances - this is the list…
Something is definitely wrong here

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Please share this with your contacts/network.

Lord Sumption: The Lockdown Is Without Doubt the Greatest Interference with Personal Liberty in Our History

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On January 31st the Senate acquitted Trump.

On January 31st Trump imposed travel restrictions on China.

I sort of miss the good ole days of impeachment.

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Maybe your ruling classes, just like ours, aren’t as competent or intelligent as you thought, or as Trump thought, so he off-loading them as part of his draining the swamp pledge? You should be hoping he succeeds, because why the hell should we pay them fantastic salaries and plenty of baubles when they’re no good at the job?

PS Wish he’d come and drain ours. :smile: