Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

It is TIME for a CRIMINAL investigation of Fauci.


The ‘‘law of unintended consequences’’ strikes again or another case of ''be careful what you wish for.

Infamous globalist Soros believes that the COVID-19 crisis will most likely spell the end for the European Union.

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Trump said from the beginning he was going to surround himself with “the best and brightest”…

The great state of Wisconsin is officially open for business after the state supreme court shot down the governor’s safer at home order. People naturally went out to the bars for a drink and to socialize and the left is absolutely seething. Why do liberals hate their freedom and constitutional rights?

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Listen young people - You’re the asshole if you want to have a life right now - while all the old people are busy freaking out over imaginary corona virus.


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Stay da fuck away cave woman, us kweens ain’t got time fo dat cave disease! :fu:t6:

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Something needs to destroy it! Thanks to Britain for taking the first step.

Globalism is our most dangerous pandemic. Given enough time and complacency, we’d all be facing Mecca 5 times daily.

Boomer fear is the worst, most sickly smelling fear; reeking of cowardice and laziness.

What makes you think that any Americans do not value rights and freedoms…:thinking:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled against the Trump administrations own guidelines and benchmarks for safe reopening, and the embicile Trump, to the approval only of the most ardent Trump supporters, praised it…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

lol, one of the normie-libs I make the mistake of following on normie social media - and who seems to be in the thousand-year-quarantine camp - posted that jobs aren’t a problem in the new economy because you can pay $49 to take a course on contact tracing and become a data analyst using cell phone tracking data to put everyone in quarantine camps.

“Need a summer job? Why not narc on your friends and neighbors to the feds, for up to $11 an hour part-time!”

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“Imaginary coronavirus”…:thinking:

So trump declares a national emergency, enacts DPA, restricts travel from China, then Europe, restricts cross border traffic at Canada and Mexico, assembles a coronavirus task force to battle the virus claiming he’s a war time president, requests an unprecedented stimulus fund from congress, makes sure that the cash distributions have his name on them…And a litany of other things, for an imaginary virus…

Yes. Coronavirus is fake and gay.

Trump’s “leave it to the governors” approach to ending the lockdown is the perfect example of his failed Liberty ideology.

Nobody voted for Trump to listen to Democrat governors. They voted for someone they believed had the balls to keep those people in line.

Clearly they were mistaken.


Do us a big favor oh incredibly wise one, show to us little ones the clause within the constitution which delegates authority over State governors in such matters to the POTUS.

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Hey ProudSoycuck show us who in the government obeys the Constitution.

That’s right. NO ONE does.

The Constitution was a nice experiment.

It failed.

Whites being treated like second class citizens in the nation they built and sodomites publicly grooming children very well illustrates that point.

Unfortunately low T soycucks refuse to see the truth.


Restaurants have to take your personal information and track customers if they want to reopen their dining rooms.

The same governors that mandate this won’t enforce voter ID. It’s all fucked.


It is interesting the phenomenon of “medical police.”

All of the institutions are merging together; education, banks, military, hospitals, agriculture, factories, media, courts…

The separation of different kinds of authorities is flattening until there is only one authority that rules over everything.

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Well, Republican governors have issued SAHO’s as well, and some of them have been critical of Trumps management. We do not have a national policy for safe reopenings, and Trump’s not the one to be implementing one anyway, because he’s ignorant about infectious disease and disagrees with those who’s careers have been in infectious disease. He favors the Big Bang theory to reopening like Wisconsin is attempting…

You do realize that the Governors of each state are responsible for their states? Trump doesn’t get to make those decisions.

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