Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Or maybe it’s a controlled panic.

Or organized chaos? lol

You’ll never get CNN or BBC to report that.

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Nah, its creative destruction and it was planned in 1913

Fuck WHO and Gates

Hundreds of Children Brain Damaged by the Swine Flu Vaccine to Receive $90 Million in Financial Compensation from UK Government

And all the autistic children (and adults) should ne’er be forgot.


That could bankrupt our Treasury? Johnson pledged £2b to encourage cycling a couple of days ago - have we won the Euromillions or something?

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Well spoken Sheriff. :+1:

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the politicians who authorized this lockdown have demonstrated that they are not qualified to hold office in any capacity, even as court jesters

Neil Ferguson, either he is a complete idiot or a fraud for I do not see any other possibility.

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And that is what exactly what Democrats do best! They love to insert fear into the masses; because they “know” they can fool them [into believing what many of the uneducated masses are willing to “believe”].

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Despite all the publicised warnings about the health risks of wearing masks, the fools still wear them. :roll_eyes: In the supermarket queue a few days ago I saw a couple who were wearing so much PPE it looked as if they’d just walked out of a high-risk bio-hazard laboratory in Porton Down. The stupidity of my fellow-creatures never ceases to amaze me.

The other day I saw a guy a-jogging with a mask.
I talked to a stranger nearby and said it ought to be tough breathing through that thing.
She musta thought I was from Mars and looked shocked and completely ignored me. Maybe I am, who knows.

I know what you mean, Didge - it’s becoming a psychosis. It has got to the point where if someone is coming towards me on the pavement, I’m surprised if they don’t cross the road. lol

I wrote a few days ago that ‘I see the green shoots of sanity returning’ . . . how wrong can ya be? It’s getting more insane by the day.


There are two types of people.
People who watch TV everyday (and believe everything)
and those who don’t.
I have no problem communicating with the latte category of people.

I occasionally read newspaper (if it’s lying around in a coffee shop etc. for everyone to read), and I’m amazed what kind of different (dream) world the media creates.

‘‘I believe the WHO waited to declare this a pandemic to ensure friends and family were all divested.’’

Good link. As I’ve been saying ever since becoming convinced there’s a bit more to this than meets the eye - a lot of people are making a lot of money out of this, and they’ll keep it on track for as long as they can with scant regard for us.