Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Some idiotic “professor” on the radio this morning was saying that “We have been in lockdown for several weeks and we are still getting cases, so this means that the lockdown should stay in place”.

Er, no you moron, call yourself an “expert”?
Obviously if the lockdown has been in place for several weeks and the incubation period is 7 to 14 days, the fact that we still have cases indicates that the lockdown is not preventing the virus (?) from spreading.

What is more likely is that the virus (?) is blowing around on the breeze all over the place and those who unfortunately are susceptible are contracting it at pretty much the rate they would do even if there were no lockdown.

Some highly qualified and experienced epidemiologists will tell you that these outbreaks follow a natural curve, with a peak and a fall-off, regardless of whatever steps people try to take.

By the way, in terms of mathematics, the curve is NOT exponential, it is sinusoidal, it is in the shape of a sine-wave which rises, then peaks, then falls until it becomes almost negligible. Reducing the height but broadening the width of this curve is likely to result in more casualties overall, because of the extended time factor.

No-one want to see death, but it is one of the universal and inevitable facts of life. We are members of the animal kingdom, sharing this planet with countless other organisms, some of which have a detrimental effect on us. We can intervene to some extent but we are not gods.

The world of academia is a sector of society which has become infested with a toxic plague of left-o-fascism. We must be wary and selective when listening to the “experts” and their “scientific advice”. We must pass everything through the filter of our own common sense.

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Lockdown is meaningless.
Just like punishing the innocent.

The virus is already spread around the globe.
It makes a difference, though, if you get a high dose of virus initially. Then it can make you very ill.




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I swear I saw this guy’s face on the right in some old comics.

Before you know it, they will also tell you that you can get Coronavirus just by being on your phone texting. So, just being on Youtube or/and Facebook could cause you to get sick. Lol

I’m no fan of Gates but no, he doesn’t stand to make a dime out of either successful treatments or a vaccine for CCCCV

He’s the richest man in the history of the world, even another hundred billion wouldn’t affect how he lives to begin with.

When you reach that level of wealth it’s all about the accolades he receives for all of his charitable giving, he could blow billions every year for the rest of his life and never run out of money.

I don’t think Gates is doing it for the money - he REALLY thinks he is the saviour of the planet and, therefore, we all must die. But if Armstrong has the sort of influence he says he does, maybe Gates should start to worry.

'‘To survive, he may have to hide in a bunker for there are people who will hunt him down’’

And that does nothing to alleviate my anxiety! :grin:

Johnson is due to ‘speak to the nation’ :roll_eyes: (Winston Churchill, eat your heart out? :laughing: ) later on today, probably to announce his 5 criteria for lifting the lockdown won’t be met for another 4 weeks . . . or 4 months . . . or 4 years!! :scream: I personally don’t GAF, because apart from distancing and having to find somewhere away from the public gaze to pee during my peregrinations, the lockdown hasn’t, nor will, affect me in the slightest. In other words, I’ve ignored the bullshit so far, and don’t intend to start observing it now. :sunglasses:

I don’t either; in fact I think I’ve finally figured out what really is going on, but until I’m 100% sure I’m not going to post it on here. I reached my conclusion after racking my brain to rationalise this fucking ‘testing’ crap, and having now done so, it actually makes perfect sense.

Yep the Gates computer model is a pile of crap

A code review has been undertaken by an anonymous ex-Google software engineer here, who tells us the GitHub repository code has been heavily massaged by Microsoft engineers, and others, in an effort to whip the code into shape to safely expose it to the pubic. Alas, they seem to have failed and numerous flaws and bugs from the original software persist in the released version. Requests for the unedited version of the original code behind the model have gone unanswered.

Remember the computer adage GIGO (garbage in garbage out). - with Gates model it doesn’t apply anymore bc it doesn’t matter what goes in, you get garbage out - ROFLMFAO.

There is of course nothing factual that supports this kind of lunacy.

"“Coronavirus: PM to unveil five-stage warning system for easing lockdown”

So where will they be quartered for 14 days, in the arrivals hall? :rofl: Obviously nobody’s thought of that? :roll_eyes: But then we do have two empty Nightingale hospitals that might do; may as well get some use out of them now we’ve paid £sqillions for building them? I keep saying it, but you couldn’t make up this shit!

He looks worse in that pic than before he went into hospital. Maybe he’s got in again in the predicted "second wave’? That’d be ironic?

More importantly, who is going to pay for the room and board?

Us taxpayers - who do you think?

Oh free stay in Britain for 14 days?

I was at Heathrow for an hour waiting for a connection flight to Europe, so I guess I could say I’ve never been to Britain.

“Boris Johnson dices with death to generate a feelgood factor”

Crikey, he already ‘diced with death’ a few weeks ago, or so they say, but lived to tell the tale. I mean, to escape dicing with death once may be regarded as a stroke of luck, but to dice with death twice seems like pushing his luck to me?