Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

We can only hope…
I agree with Boris, but we should keep the lockdown till we have a cure for death, that should really sort the banksters out

Johnson is ebbing and flowing with the tides? He even let Ferguson talk him into the lockdown, and not only ‘a lockdown’ but an extensive one - and all the time the cunt is shagging that woman? Jesus you couldn’t make it up! Come back Theresa May, all is forgiven?

Deleted by poster - merged into an earlier post.

“Coronavirus: Gordon Brown says the UK government is ‘failing to test people’”

‘Gordon Brown’? Who he? :rofl: But at least he wasn’t strutting up and down on a stage! :roll_eyes: :smile:

If anyone watches this, note the rictus grin every now and again - it grosses me out. lol

Look at above. Hardly anybody is tested in Japan (You know what I mean). It’s from March, but the situation is pretty much the same.

And yet there’s no lockdown. Business as usual, although there are less people on trains, subways and in restaurants, some of which operate on takeout only basis.

''OK, so the population of Washington State is 7.615 million. That means that less than 0.002% of the population was ever infected. You do not shut down the economy for this low infection rate. This is clearly a fraud upon the people to further a grander scheme of Gates.

The governor’s daughter, Emily, works for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. On top of that, the Governor’s former Chief of Staff, Mary Alice , is a key top person also in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.’’
But thats just a cohencidence.

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Talking of evil - look no further



So we trashed the world economy for this…

‘‘This Ferguson Model is such a joke it is either an outright fraud, or it is the most inept piece of programming I may have ever seen in my life.’’

As expected, Youtube has obviously sunk without trace Judy Mikovits’ video - I’ll be surprised if she’s still alive - and replaced it with some shifty-eyed (I can tell a lot from body language - I know when I’m being lied to!) unqualified talking-head who did a brilliant hatchet job on her - without her being given an opportunity to counter it because she wasn’t there? There’s only one thing that will stop Gates, who is well-known for his genocidal agenda to cull the world’s population, and (without going into too much detail?) he won’t be stopped by ‘writing’. I learnt a lot about flu jabs (see link below) which I’ve been having annually for the last 8 years: far from the hypodermic containing anti-virals to keep flu at bay, they’ve been injecting into me so many different neurotoxins I’m surprised that I’m still alive. I understand that Gates and his wife were in Africa for some kind of vaccination project, so what did all the takers have injected into them?

I also watched a video last night featuring Dr Rashid Buttar, who is well and truly onto these mass murderers, but the alternative narrative by opposing experts, and there are many of them, are outnumbered 50-1 by those ‘doctors’ hired to continually spout the various governments’ narrative. Dr Buttar asserted (I paraphrase) that the mainstream media (and he rattled off a few American ones, to which I’d add the BBC, which blasts out negative propaganda literally day and night), are our enemy.

Why are we so obsessed with ‘testing’? Someone can be tested negative one day, but if it’s in the incubation stage, they won’t test positive for another 5 fucking days, which of course negates the point of having it in the first place??

Having flu (What’s its plural?) could actually help you cope with Covid 19, according to Professor Streeck whose interview I posted on “Facts and updates” thread, where I get harassed as usual by the same empty headed moron. LOL

In the same interview, Professor Streeck says 22% of tested positive people show no sign of infection.
Goes to show testing is pretty meaningless.

It’s madness. The only explanation I can come up with is that the testing centres will be given to friends and family members of politicians.

Listen you fking moron! No one is harassing you! You started this crap with me by leveling empty hollow accusations that is not supported by anything, just more lies on your part! Try taking responsibility for your own actions for once in your pathetic sorry life! This is the second day in row that you went and responded to one of my posts in a attempt to try to make a false accusation. If anybody is harassing it is you by posting more of your BS nonsense! Either provide proof to support your accusations or simply STFU and stop with your idiotic comments directed towards me!

You can’t claim to be the victim here when its you that is doing the provoking!

Testing should be done the South Korean style, though.
The spread there was caused by a secretive religious sect whose members had visited Wuhan and brought the virus to South Korea.

The membership was kept secret because of its religious doctrine, whatever it is, and the South Korean officials rigorously went after the movement of the members and persons they contacted.

Which one is more dangerous, stupid virus or information?
If youtube bans something, it ought to be explosive.
(Unlike mainstream media, youtube still contains useful info, mixed with useless pieces of sh-t. You just need to separate wheat from chaff. Same for forums)

Useless pieces of shit like you, you mean? You post shit here all the time and then accuse everyone else of doing same without providing a shred of evidence to support your claims! You gloried hole the concept of hypocrisy!