Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Memo to Winston Smith, Ministry of Truth. Delete Magog, and sequester all his wealth and possessions: the accusation against him ‘refusing to be vaccinated’. His new status: NONPERSON.

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Greta in school?
Come on.
This piece of shit belongs in a mental institution.

Oh, schools are mental institutions where normal kids are branded psychopaths…

What few know is that both groups owe their existence to generous funding by a tax exempt foundation that stands to make literally billions on purported vaccines and other drugs to treat coronavirus—The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

This can lead to other corona viruses such as cold viruses also triggering a false positive test result. That means you can have a simple cold and you are deemed coronavirus positive.

‘‘I know so many people will hate what I am about to say, but here it goes anyway.
Our greatest hope remains Donald Trump. Why? Make no mistake about it, Bill Gates meets with world leaders around the globe. They are impressed by his money and hope to hit him up. Money will not buy Trump and that is why he does not get along with Trump’’

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creative destruction?


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The Japanese media is in full swing to exaggerate the corona threat.
But so far the government has issued only advisories to stay home. No lockdown.




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The whole coronavirus scam has been a gigantic and mightily expensive fiasco from the start, and despite all the official propaganda that it isn’t influenza (or a strain of it) I still believe that it is: firstly it occurred at exactly the usual time for flu outbreaks (hence the vaccination every year at the beginning of winter); the numbers aren’t any different to previous flu endemics; the pulmonary complications have always been a possible extension of influenza and always will be; and even I don’t believe that this bunch of bureaucrats called ‘a government’ can be so incompetent as to actually know it was coming 4 months ago but weren’t prepared for it. So much for all the weasel-worded plaudits for the NHS when many have died lacking PPE and still are, and the ludicrous ‘clap for carers’ which is now a regular event (altho I can’t imagine what’s going thru the 'brains of these morons whilst they’re clapping/cheering/letting off fireworks/banging saucepans: for instance, when the witching hour of 8 o’clock arrives every Thursday and they’ve gathered up their noise-making paraphernalia, do they then go back indoors at 8.05 feeling smug or with a sense of achievement?). We’re being manipulated by an incompetent populist fool leading a bunch of other fools, and apparently loving every minute of it?

Who’s dumb enough to believe the official figures?

“VE (Victory in Europe) Day: UK marking 75th anniversary of end of WWII in Europe”

And by the strangest quirk of coincidence(!) it’s the very day Johnson lifts lockdown restrictions. Does anyone else find this naked gesture politicking as nauseating and patronising as I do?

3.3 trillion dollars :scream: so far in support payments and counting presumably, because this lockdown has only just begun in the US? I’m now even more convinced this is a move to digital money: when all those cheques are cashed in, fiscal bankruptcy will be the logical outcome.

I think he had to end it.
He could see the paradox of freedom on VE day being celebrated whilst we are all under house arrest.

I think you are familiar with the fact that the Windsors were making money on selling war material to nazi Germany.
Just like the Rockefellers.

But he’s just extended it - this morning - for at least another 3 weeks? I think he’s has had to succumb to the movers and shakers. The latest thread has a vid as the OP but it has just frozen; @asaratis second vid is still working, but who knows for how much longer.

Johnson, like Trump, has to walk the tightrope because not all political factions are supportive of him.
Politics as usual.

@Magog The OP video of the PLANdemic thread is working now.

The COVID-19/coronavirus myth has been blown wide open.

I didn’t know that, so googled it and found this from the mail
In one sentence they say…
''Fresh questions have been raised about the SAGE group amid claims that it has been influenced by politicians and senior officials; ‘’
Then further down I read this…
‘’ 'I think the common thread between the Governments is one of extreme caution following the evidence of the Sage committee, ‘’

They haven’t got a fucking clue.