Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣


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Why don’t you go back to the myriad corona threads you created?

We want serious discussions here.
A brain dead megalomaniac with a big foul mouth is the last thing we need.


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BitChute is in. :+1:
Youtube censors and delete videos that expose the cult.
They are shitty little dictators. YouTube is Craptub. :-1:

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In December everybody in our house had what can only be described as “a stinking cold”.
That is understating it slightly, it could also be described as vicious in its persistence.

Myself, I got tightness of throat, general feelings of being ill and joint aches (always a precursor).
After a day of taking it easy I felt a bit better, and got on with life again.
Phase two moved in, temperature developed and self-treated with paracetamol, wrap-up and keep warm. After a couple of days felt a bit better and got on with life …
Phase three moved in, dry cough, occasional dizziness (thinks “I am pushing myself too quickly”), wrap-up, keep warm and take it easy.
It all took about 3 weeks to finally subside …except I still get occasional days where I feel crap for a couple of hours … but that could be anything.

The SO had pneumonia many years ago and gets bad symptoms whenever there is anything going around. She has a pulse-oximeter (about $15 on eBay) and a hotline to a paramedic. Some care and antibiotics and she stayed at home and survived without undue concern.

Then in February I read a list of COVID-19 symptoms roughly listed in their order of occurrence … and thought “that is what we had!”

A brief scratch around and I found this, which might be of use to some.

Coronavirus Symptoms (COVID-19) - Worldometer

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It is what has been happening whilst everyone is talking nothing but CV-19

What has China been getting up to in the South China Seas ?
Why did the Norks fire two missiles in one day ?
How long until China lays claim to all the shipping lanes, classifying them as territorial waters.

… and WTF happened to Greta Thunberg? She has been awfully quiet, did she die of COVID-19? … which she allegedly had at some point.

Well that didn’t stay for long …
“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service.”

Some kind of a virus was released in the UK toward the end of last year.
No doubt about it.

Motives and culprits?
Some kind of test run?



Says the asshole who can’t write a simple fking summation to the threads he creates. Go suck on some ballsacks! Better yet go to your little quiet corner of your padded cell and fist yourself!

A truly moronic suggestion.

You can spread the virus for two weeks or more asymptomatically.

This is just more BS to keep people from buying up all the PPE they can lay their hands on so as to not have a pinch on the supplies for HCW’s and FR’s.

It was too fucking stupid to even survive Youtube.

Well, she is circulating pretty profusely with explosive claims. I have to admit, there are some things she had said that are true. Especially the explosive claim against Dr Faucci. Its not good.

Whether Gates is ■■■■■■ or not I don’t know; what it do know is he is now mad, and think about it - we’re all being manipulated by a madman?

Oh no. He is sane and believes he is doing “God’s work” just like Goldman Sachs.

Question everyone ought to ask is: What God?

She’ll come out of the woodwork soon and claim that she saved the world by convincing all the politicos to trash their economies.

The worry I have is more abt what not having the vaccine will mean?
Will I need to prove I am vaccinated before I can…work, travel, shop, bank…etc,etc

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Hopefully Greta Thunberg has gone back to school, and will find she’s regressed two grades for the tuition she’s been missing out on all this time.

We’ll really know we’ve become a fascist country when they fine us for refusing to be vaccinated, and it’s around the corner even now. I saw this coming years ago and advised my son not to have children. Actually I thought it would be global Islam that gets us but Islamic State seems all but forgotten.