Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

That is stupid. The whole point of the mask is that it acts as an air filter trapping moisture and particles.

@TWR’s a veritable mine of information, isn’t he . . . most of it useless and the remainder off-the-wall! :money_mouth_face:

“Coronavirus: Prof Neil Ferguson quits government role after ‘undermining’ lockdown”

Good, now Johnson might get someone as a scientific adviser who actually knows what he’s talking about.

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Nah! the clue is in his monika

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I was just gonna post that too - LOL.
Didn’t Ferguson work for Gates and I think Gates is ■■■■■■ btw, but thats just another cohencidence.

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Now I can agree that our govt is probly stupid but I am happy to take their advice on this one.

Employees are being advised not to wear face masks in work to combat the threat of coronavirus. Guidance published by the Government says face masks are only recommended to be worn by ‘symptomatic individuals’ to reduce the risk of transmitting the killer infection to other people.

I don’t know about that; all I know about Ferguson is that he was responsible for the CJD/BSE disaster. That’s why I couldn’t believe Johnson had called in a bunch of losers from the Imperial College of London again.

Forget CV19 - It’s what’s coming next we need to worry abt

''Once you see that everything is connected, it becomes so easy to grasp the fact that a single decision will set off a chain reaction that becomes unstoppable.

They cannot shut down the economy in the manner that they have done, for the damage to the entire supply chain is tremendous. ‘’

So when you go out, you don’t wear a mask? Does your Government make it compulsory to wear a mask in public and if they do, do you comply?

No and if they did I wouldn’t.
But I do have a rather fetching Bandana I might wear.


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You must have missed this when I posted it before.

on the Gates Foundation site, they admit they provide funding to Imperial College.


Here in Hong Kong it is and you can’t enter any establishment without a mask. They simply won’t allow you to enter if you are not wearing a mask! Who am I to argue as a foreigner in a country that is not my own?

This is pretty big news! I wonder how people are reacting to it across the pond?

Wearing a mask activates your own virus - start at 20
This is a must see - hat tip to whoever posted it first, can’t remember who it was but thanks.

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Cerberus posted that a few posts earlier.
Try to keep up.

Yeah so? That doesn’t stop you from reposting your shit here.

So… the difference Manshe, is that when I do it I tell you its a repost and why, when you do it its bc you only have the attention span of a gnat and can’t remember what day it is let alone what has been posted before.

Yeah ok whatever you say Maggot, just more gibberish from you as usual. I am just pointing out your obvious double standards that you are so willing to call others out on but fail to hold yourself to the same account which is pretty hilarious coming from you and par for course! For a minute there I thought you were actually being normal, but as always you seem to want to revert back to your old normal ways which is not saying much! Continue your pissing contest by posting your shitty videos if you will it’s what you do best after all!

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