Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

No … it has become a pissing contest.

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Doesn’t matter to the guys selling syringes.

I went back in time to 1990. I told them in 2020 it would be legal to smoke pot but illegal to go to church. They didn’t believe me. Then I said Trump was President and they knew I was lying.

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Max Igan has been right more often than wrong.
It doesn’t mean he has been right all the time.

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Any the sanctuary states and cities welcome these vile bastards to come and live among the citizens that pay their bills. As long as they can vote, they’re considered okay.

I read today that California has more than 400,000 illegal aliens that are registered to vote.

Be careful where and when you use hand sanitizers…especially gels.


I never use gels…yuck! Lol
I mostly use some lotion or some creamy stuff that doesn’t leave any residue on my hands. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

All hand sanitizers leave some residue on your hands. Vigorous washing of hands with soap and water, followed by thorough rinsing leaves very little if any residue.


No it isn’t influenza period, it’s a completely different type virus.

Educate yourself instead of puking up BS on the internet.

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He is of course correct but it realy is’t a big deal. The alcohol evaporates really quickly.

The biggest danger is that alcohol strips away all of your own bodies first line natual defenses starting with beneficial bacteria and parasites that clean your skin of pathogens constantly.

Worse, it strips away the natural layer of protective oils that keeps the nasties from penetrating your skin.

Worse yet,it dries your skin causing it to crack giving a direct pathway to your blood stream for pathogens.

Wash, sanitize if you must, then put something like “udder balm” which leaves a very good additional layer of fats/oils and protectors the skin while the natural protection rebuilds.

Just put a dab on, rub it in good and wipe off what you can so it doesn’t leave your hands/fingers too slick.

This is what we use in sub zero very dry conditions to help with both frost bite protection and to prevent cracking.

Never use Vaseline or anything else that is mineral oil based, it sucks the moisture out of your skin like a siphon.

Products with natural fats and oils like lanolin, bees wax, carnuba, and coconut oil won’t.

Carmex is a miracle cure because of the waxes but it would be cost prohibitive in volume.

That’s a new one.
Chap sticks contain a trace amount of benzine, which is carcinogenic and can accumulate in the liver and elsewhere over a period of time.

I often use Bert’s Bees Wax hand balm and lip balm. The hand balm also works just about as well on boots as does saddle soap…only it’s a waste of perfectly good hand balm.

It is the same kind of influenza virus, with artificially added HIV sequence, as pointed out by Luc Montagnier.

Coomplete BS. It’s neither Group A or B and CV’s have a completely unique easily identifiable structure.

this isn’t even arguable looking at it.





Those are three different CV’s one human, one avian, one porcine.

They are almost identical in structure.

Here is the bovine strain.


Quit sniffing the conspiracy nut glue.

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Glad you caught at was thinking Carmex and typed Chapstick but unless you’re eating it by the five gallon bucket full you’ll probably be just fine.

Carmex ingredients.

There is some benzine in virtually everything we eat, drink or use that is made from anything on the surface of the earth due to a centuries of burning fossil fuels.

The bag balm that comes in little green can’s is the best I’ve ever come across.

We even used it to grease down our bodies on deep, long dives particularly in cold water.

Even Corona Salve is great but it hardens badly in temps below 50F so it’s hard to use in a cold climate.

This was a trick taught me by a vet during the deep freeze of 73-77, when we had 60-90 days a year of sub zero weather.

When I was teaching winter survival for the Army I made it a staple.

Natual animal fats of all kinds rendered down are great as well, particularly if you use the “Leaf Lard” and kidney, pelvic, omental fats which are very pure and clean.

Putting something on the skin is not really much different than eating it.

A car mechanic told me this: He mixed chocolate powder in the grease he uses at work and put it on the back of his hand. A few seconds later, he could taste the chocolate in his mouth.

People of Elizabeth, New Jersey, you need to be shooting those drones out of the sky, the DHS has declared them to be a tool of the Chinese nation used to gather information, your law enforcement is committing treason by using them…

It’s the same with antibiotics: if a person who needs the antibiotic has become unconscious (for example, owing to a urinary tract infection), and obviously is unable to swallow, it’s still possible, provided the antibiotic is in liquid form, and a pipette is handy to administer it, for them to ingest it through the soft tissue of the mouth, thence to (in most cases if the infection hasn’t had time to cause the onset of septicemia) recover from the infection.

COVID-19 was in Europe last year

French researchers have retested samples taken from pneumonia sufferers back in December. One of them was +ve for Covid-19.

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