Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Kennedy is after Gates - Don’t take ANY vaccine

Who’s KIennedy when he’s at home? Ah Robert Kennedy was just mentioned - forget it. :+1:

Hmmm, the guy who determines the cause of death as corona is caller coroner.

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@Magog Oh no, now we’re going to get a ‘testing tsar’ :roll_eyes: And apparently doctors discussed announcing Johnson’s demise. I can’t take much more of this shit! I’ve got to the stage where I make a conscious point of not tuning into any BBC program, radio or tv. Not that I want to, but I might by accident? :laughing:

“BBC News host Mishal Husain was shut down by the Government’s testing tsar on Saturday over claims the Health Secretary has misled the public on meeting his ambitious coronavirus target.”

I don’t believe him either. And if anyone does, they’ll believe anything.

I guess that if the death is recorded by a doctor as coronavirus (I don’t even think anyone can die of it?), there won’t be the need for a coroner.

“Vulnerable at home ‘could fuel second wave’ of the killer virus, experts warn”

Some ‘experts’ just want it to go on for ever don’t they. I can’t think why?? Oh yes I can - jobs for the boys and for all the talking-heads to make loadsa money from the BBC. :rofl:

But but but this is a super duper bug that lives on the surface of the sun and can travel to any part of the world in an instant and then slowly murders cats, dogs, snakes and fat sickly boomers.

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From that article…

‘‘There were 40,000 unused NHS beds last week - four times the average for this time of the year together with the largely unused 11,000 patient capacity at the new hospitals.’’
That is 50k(from a total of abt 130k) empty beds in NHS - That is over 30% of beds empty - wheres the fucking problem??

"Overstaffing [has occurred] as the numbers of cases did not reach expected levels.’’

I thought we were told the NHS couldn’t cope with a pandemic?? so we have to stay locked up

This is from the Q universe.
They really do think we are sheep and we are being programmed.
Apologies, it’s an hour long

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Why are these numbers different?
Because they are bad jokes, folks.

“Facts and updates”

The NWO is pulling out all the stops all over the world. They want you to shelter in place and go bankrupt while they prepare a vaccine for you and your family.


If the one they’re saying is effective, doesn’t really prove to be any more effective than the flu vaccine (which has to be reset for every mutational cycle), then it won’t be worth the syringe it’s loaded into.

There’s going to be a second, third, fourth or however many waves of viruses that the Globalists need to lock everyone down forever until humans are enslaved and become their permanent food source. This is a predator/prey situation. The food-chain permeates life and humans are not as highly advanced as they used to be.

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Humans already are.
For thousands of years.

When did it happen? When agriculture was invented and grain production became readily feasible, which caused unstoppable population (Read slave) explosion.

Grain or cereal may fill up your stomach, but it’s not healthy.
Thus humans have become lumbering robots with limited thinking ability.

Truth about Italian figures

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Authorities don’t want to give medical treatement until a test has been carried out with a control group that doesn’t get the treatment

So why do we not have the same approach to lockdown?

Surely similar cities should have been selected, one locks down, the other doesn’t and we see if lock down works

At first, I was skeptical about lockdowns. I felt like I was going to miss driving two hours a day to sit under fluorescent lights, surrounded by people I don’t know, and watching my every word.

However, having extra time, sitting in a sunny room with the windows open , getting to check in on my family, and working the hours where I’m most productive, isn’t so bad.

I’m in full support of the lockdowns. For public health reasons, of course.