Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Not fair.
Just one death against millions.

I hope this piece of shit will be held to account for all the unnecessary deaths he’s caused, and the bankruptcies and destroyed families, and the cost of loans for businesses etc etc etc? And traumatizing our kids and our elderly by putting the fear of god into them. Maybe as a war criminal, or mass murderer? Surely he isn’t going to be allowed to just walk away from all the death and misery he’s caused?

I was sent this link yesterday

Like we didn’t know already???


We NEED to demand investigations – CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS! and NOW!

Nice idea but fat chance of it happening?

I’m not so sure -
Trump is not stupid and he is slowly clearing the swamp of corruption.
He, and/or his advisors know what is going on.
Don’t forget ^Trump is only the mouthpiece.
Remember how he got the ‘‘wall’’ - everyone was arguing abt funding and in the end he just drafted in the military engineers to do it. I think he will do something similar with CV19.
Why has he never taken a flu jab - HE KNOWS whats going on.

He has basically shut down meat production but conveniently has investments in meat substitutes . In fact, Bill Gates and Leonardo DiCaprio joined forces, not just in climate change, but in promoting meat substitutes because cattle eat grass and emit CO2.

Have the politicians been bribed(blackmailed) to go along with this charade?

No comment!


I wouldn’t complain if Gates and his missus bought a small Pacific island and went to die on it. Hopefully the day after they move in!

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And there’s no such thing as conspiracy?

Right. It takes 3 Arabs who couldn’t fly a cessna to fly 2 sophisticated passenger planes to take down 3 landmark buildings in New York.


haha, Bolsheviks and Nazis are the same. Just wearing different uniforms!

This is still a survival thread right? Just asking, because given all the subjects covered here its hard to tell. Lol. Anyway, I hope you are well Exodus and taking care.

How easy it is for them to whip up the masses into a frenzy of fear. Why do we take any notice of these cunts, never mind keep voting them into office time after time?? We must be bloody mad!

This puts it into perspective, and exposes the charlatans . . . only 9 minutes:

Can you say conflict of interest?


Am I being stupid again, but can someone explain how the tests help ME?
So I take the test today and I haven’t got CV TODAY
Ok I can relax now TODAY! anyway
But I may catch it tomorrow - do I have to take the test EVERY fucking day to get my Gates passport and resume my life? or is once enough?

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You’ll probably know I’ve been asking the same question and offering the same scenario for consideration ever since they started banging on about ‘testing’; it’s so bizarre that I can only think that it’s a way of making them look ongoingly pro-active :roll_eyes: , or have friends lined up who will be contracted to do the fucking tests.

As it happens I asked my constituency MP (might’ve mentioned it before?) and got a reply the day before yesterday, albeit from an ‘advisor’: and when I bellyached along the lines of ‘When I write a letter to the organ-grinder I don’t expect a reply from the monkey’. lol It was a long spiel about ‘they’re multi-purpose’ and blah blah effing blah. I replied that as its all over (I’ll give a link at the end of this to prove it) what the hell’s the point of them now? and I included into the email the following link . . .

9 minutes, and worth watching. And I confidently predict the matter will be quietly dropped with extreme prejudice. lol

Why the hell should Gates and Fiucci get away with this world-changing, seriously costly scam? The very least they should do is pay for it out of their own bank accounts.