Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

And we will have to wear Hazmat suits to protect us from CV19

Not really. Separate rooms with protected ventillation systems yes, but that kind of total isolation can’t be done without another several hundred thousand doc’s, nurses, and hospital beds being built over night.

The main issue is with those tending to the patents carrying it from room to room and that won’t change unless you have basically individual attendants dedicated to each patient which just isn’t possible with these numbers.

More importantly, if they are already infected they won’t be infecting each other so putting them in large wards would be much more efficient and equally effective.

That means no recovery is feasible, because they infect each other constantly.
Efficient and effective to kill them all. That’s what happened in China and Italy.
I understand that the patients were left to die in New York because they were not taken care of properly.

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Gawd it would be amusing if it weren’t so preposterous. These Westminster cu . . . I mean clowns don’t have the faintest idea what they’re doing . . . just as well we’re not in a real war. ‘Running around like headless chickens’ comes to mind.

That’s complete nonsense. The key to recovery is developing your own immunity.

Treatments just buy us time to do that or for the disease to run it’s course.

Study up on a little immunology.

The greatest risk is when you have wards filled with people with different communicable diseases due to the danger of multiple/secondary follow up infections.

Every everyone is fighting the same disease it makes no difference.

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What a complete dumbass.

Bronchoscopy puts light in the lungs every day and the tech to use UV in coordination with same has been around since fiber optics were invented.

It’s the only risk! Unless it does turn complicated, it’s merely a strain of influenza, so no ‘fighting it’ is necessary: all you do is wait it out while your immune system does the business, then get on with your life again. I know - I had CV in February, and went for a 20-mile walk on day 4.

It doesn’t happen overnight.

That obviously was not the case in China and Italy.
In layman’s terms, if you have a slight cold or flu, you don’t want to get stuck with folks who are very ill.

“Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was extensively used in the 1940s and 1950s to treat many diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma and even poliomyelitis. The early studies were carried out by several physicians in USA and published in the American Journal of Surgery.”

Horse shit, this virus is a completely different family not associated with either Influenza A or B.



There’s absolutely nothing to support your claim about differences in these outbreaks.

You don’t build immunity at all if you aren’t exposed but yes the critical part does happen literally overnight, twice. First is the body’s primary immuno response from the WBC’s, next comes the T Cells that make a template with antigenic specificity.

They go back to the system for processing. The more severely you are challenged initially the more rapid the response and quicker you get to a point where you have high enough titers to first fight and then to eventually defeat the disease.

No but if you call it a war we can carry on fighting it until we win, except we will NEVER win.
Like the war on terror and drugs - we never win so everyone is forever fearful and controllable.

I referred to the symptoms, not the virus’ cellular characteristics.

Trump was right then?
So why are MSM decrying it?
Tell me again who owns the media?

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How quickly people forget:

In 1968-69, the Hong Kong flu ravaged the world; it wound up killing more than one million people worldwide, over 100,000 of them in the United States. No lockdowns were imposed and people still went to work, albeit lessening bus travel and implementing social distancing and more washing of their hands.

So here we are with the economy in freefall as a highly contagious new virus is circulating that’s killing quite a lot of people.

Times have changed since 1968. The hostile media is pure propaganda, the left will stop at nothing as they adhere to the edict by “any means necessary. These past couple of months, they’ve proven that they’re rather fond of totalitarian rule.

We’re in a red-hot mess. In 2020, it will all be on the line.


What Dr. Fauci doesn’t tell you is that the drug is experimental, patented already and will cost hundreds of times what Hydroxychloroquine costs today. (Its patent has run out.)


We are still using HCQ in huge numbers. If we can develop a multispectrum approach all the better particularly in the most high risk patients.

We’re finding out a lot of these pateints are suffering multiple organ system failures as a direct result of viral damage. As far as I’m concerned anything we can do that immediately reduces their viral load to help avoid that damage we should be doing especially in younger high risk patients with a lot of life to live.

There’s a lot of moral and ethical problems resulting from the politicization of this virus.

When all the data tabulation is done I suspect were’ only going to see a tiny percentage gain in total mortality for the year because the vast majority who die from this disease were living on borrowed time already and would have most likely succumed to the next serious respiratory infection they had of any kind.

We lost 80,000 to the Flu alone last year. How many of these victims were even tested for the flu once the CCPV pandemic began?

How many of them were actually killed by the flu but died WITH CCPV?

A year from now we should have some pretty interesting numbers to work with but of course by then the election will be over and dem’s will try to hang every possible death around his neck that they can.

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This “breakthrough” also is an IV delivered drug, not a tablet, capsule or gelcap that can be picked up at the pharmacy.

Dr Fauci is in bed with Big Pharma and the medical industry. He wants you to spend shitloads of money for relief.

Can someone just kill that fker? I really hate evil people.