Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Vaccines damage your immune system.

The whole idea of vaccination is wrong.
The presence of “antibody” does not guarantee your body’s readiness to fight a certain infection.

What good is an antibody, if your whole immune system is messed up (by the crap in the vaccine).

On the other hand, the absence of antibody does not mean susceptibility to a certain disease, as long as you have a strong, healthy immune.

There are different kinds of cancer.

  1. due to virus
  2. due to worms and parasites
  3. due to chemicals and radiation

And there are more.

They all require different approaches for cure.

Vaccines use “immortal cells” or cancer cells.

They inject cancer cells into your body.

Presence of antibodies does not mean you are immune to certain pathogens.

Gyms within government buildings in San Francisco have been open for months, despite privately owned establishments being ordered to close due to the coronavirus.

The gyms that have been open for government employees include those for police officers, judges, lawyers, bailiffs, and paralegals, according to the report.

Lock-down, look at how unnecessary it was

If there was any doubt about the corruption in the health system, here is another straw …

Earlier this summer, the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee set about crunching data on more than 40,000 genes from 17,000 genetic samples in an effort to better understand Covid-19. Summit is the second-fastest computer in the world, but the process — which involved analyzing 2.5 billion genetic combinations — still took more than a week.

When Summit was done, researchers analyzed the results. It was, in the words of Dr. Daniel Jacobson, lead researcher and chief scientist for computational systems biology at Oak Ridge, a “eureka moment.”


It looks as though they’re admitting lockdowns were wrong on both sides of the Atlantic.

This narrative is coordinated, of course, and we need to read between the lines.

There is something very fishy about it. Be prepared for their Plan B.

*Massive civil unrest (engineered of course)?

*Mass arrest of nationalists/patriots in Britain and the US?

Never let your guard down, because we know who owns the the mainstream media and they never admit errors for no reason.

Tide is changing.
But we still don’t know the REAL reason why the governments of the world did what they did.

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Swedes are right.

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Pandemic! - What pandemic?



It’s nothing more than a regular flu that comes and goes or even a common cold.

They are REAL, AUTHENTIC pandemics, unlike fake covid-19. It is over.

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In Thailand, there were 58 deaths from this virus, yet 2,551 suicides because of losing everything. This virus has impacted absolutely everybody. No politician in their right mind would do this unless they are being bribed.

They need this HOAX to cover the banking crisis, but in the process, they have created a huge nightmare they did not foresee.

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Yes, this Covid 19 hoax is closely tied to the (artificial) crisis in banking, which is nothing but the Babylonian usury system.

Jesus, two thousand years ago, was probably aware of this Babylonian curse when he attacked the “money changers,” assuming the story in the Bible is true.

Their modus operandi hasn’t changed.
Order out of chaos.
They artificially create a chaos in order to establish a new order.
Their ultimate goal: the New World Order.

I want to understand:

When you say “Hoax”, you don’t mean that the virus is imaginary, right? You mean that the unnecessary fear-mongering and the illusion that the threat from the virus is any worse than a thousand threats that we face every day is the hoax, right? The disproportionate fear is the Hoax, right?

My opinion is that Covid is real, but that we should go about our daily lives without the slightest deviation because Covid is just one more threat on top of the hundreds of threats I face every day when I walk out the front door.

No. The virus is real. (To be precise, there were at least three types.) It was first concocted at Fort Detrick and then its knowhow was transferred to Wuhan. Remember the American Deep State is in cahoots with CCP.
The virus is no longer as virulent as in the beginning.

Now the common sense approach is fine, just like you’d avoid a flu or common cold in winter.

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