Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Yes, this Covid 19 hoax is closely tied to the (artificial) crisis in banking, which is nothing but the Babylonian usury system.

Jesus, two thousand years ago, was probably aware of this Babylonian curse when he attacked the “money changers,” assuming the story in the Bible is true.

Their modus operandi hasn’t changed.
Order out of chaos.
They artificially create a chaos in order to establish a new order.
Their ultimate goal: the New World Order.

I want to understand:

When you say “Hoax”, you don’t mean that the virus is imaginary, right? You mean that the unnecessary fear-mongering and the illusion that the threat from the virus is any worse than a thousand threats that we face every day is the hoax, right? The disproportionate fear is the Hoax, right?

My opinion is that Covid is real, but that we should go about our daily lives without the slightest deviation because Covid is just one more threat on top of the hundreds of threats I face every day when I walk out the front door.

No. The virus is real. (To be precise, there were at least three types.) It was first concocted at Fort Detrick and then its knowhow was transferred to Wuhan. Remember the American Deep State is in cahoots with CCP.
The virus is no longer as virulent as in the beginning.

Now the common sense approach is fine, just like you’d avoid a flu or common cold in winter.

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Democrat Cuomo Responsible for 17,514 Covid deaths

If you understand how politicians work, of course you know.

A politician takes advice (from experts and advisers) so that they can assess any necessary course of action. When it all goes wrong they blame the advice.

Practically the courses of action have been disastrous, and the WHO seems to have ignored the sensible choices because they weren’t worthy of representation (Taiwan) or because they must be wrong (Sweden). This business with HCQ is baffling unless you accept the meddling of Big Pharma and other fund-hungry organisations.

In the UK the decision was entirely political. One could not allow bodies and sick patients to pile up in hospitals that were too few or ill-equipped to deal with the burgeoning numbers of patients, and so the fear was managed to support draconian measures which did indeed reduce the number of sufferers. However the time during which the Nightingale Hospital was erected was wasted because no similar measures were pursued in other parts of the country.

This criticism is really easy with hindsight however please remember that in the beginning there were ballooning numbers of sick people who needed intensive care (or die) and unlike the typical ICU patient they needed this care for a number of weeks.

There is no getting away from the fact that some sensible and valuable members of the medical profession were ridiculed and castigated. They were the members who were trumpeting their alternative and practical disease management techniques which conflicted with the need for a vaccine. That is unforgivable, and it happened in a number of different countries.

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I think the Monty Python script writer is now working for CDC

''Cloth masks will not protect you from wildfire smoke.

Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of COVID-19 by blocking respiratory droplets offer little protection against wildfire smoke. They do not catch small, harmful particles in smoke that can harm your health.

Although N95 respirators do provide protection from wildfire smoke, they might be in short supply as frontline healthcare workers use them during the pandemic.’’

Masks ok for Virus but don’t work for smoke???


Oh no, that’s scary!
All these zeros prove it!

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Hopefully it won’t be long till this becomes commonplace.



Face masks (which you guys in the UK call appropriately face nappies) do more damage, especially for children.
They cause fungus and bacteria infection among other things and if people want to wear these things, they need to change very often.

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Excellent. Flu shots weaken your immune system. Period.

(Viral interference? It’s the Big Pharma that’s interfering with your healthy immune.)

Flu shots probably promote the workings of natural selection, in the Darwinian sense, by eliminating the stupid from the human gene pool.

Some states are now looking to impose the very same restriction they do with criminals by forcing people to wear bracelets to enforce home confinement . There is just way too much evidence that this virus is so minimal it is insane. There is simply another agenda going on or we have the largest crop of brain-dead politicians in human history.

That is probably closer to the truth, although remember that the politician’s task is to find a crisis which cannot be easily understood by the proletariat and then maximise the panic …

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1,000+ Doctors Come out Against COVID

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Certainly not the worst crime in the century, but the plandemic is as fake as a three dollar bill.

Yes, masks are bad for you.

I’m surprised to hear about the Australians behaving like sheep.

Now They’re Coming After Handshakes, and They Know Exactly What They’re Doing

The people who ride the Lolita Express are concerned about your germ-sharing

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