Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣


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The corona crisis is virtually over in Sweden and Japan.
These two countries never had a lockdown.
OK, some businesses are hurting, but they were not destroyed.

Only the Dems in the US and their equivalent in the UK, Germany, etc. want the virus crisis to continue.

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Are they not called oxygen masks?

Destruction of religious values to usher in the New World Order.

Pedos and scamdemic. (Or pan-demonic.)
They are two sides of the same coin.

You people are fucking insane.

Trump has made non-political, critically important health agencies so politically corrupted and untrustworthy that we now must rely on the good intentions and assurances of giant companies regarding life-and-death matters of health.

How can you people not see the destruction that this lunatic is causing?

What companies, may I ask?

Trump did that?

And the CDC thinks everyone should take this vaccine! I don’t think so. The doctor authority it Itali says the vaccine was developed to kill 80% of the world population. I think if hydroxychloroquine and zinc is good enough for my president it works for me.


What we need now is another vaccine to vaccinate against the vaccines that vaccinated the polio that didn’t need vaccinating in the first place.

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What was wrong with old sugar cube polio vaccine? Can’t control the population with that one?

The Director of the CDC said: “But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools.” Mr. Redfield continued: “We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID.

Can I recommend you go lie down in a dark room and take the red pill before you post anymore libtard nonsense - then you won’t look so silly


haha, he chose the wrong location for his libtard silliness.

A doctor from Nigeria:

Dr Stella Immanuel Covid hydroxychloroquine video: Facebook remove viral post of doctor wey say she use di drug to treat over 300 coronavirus patients for US

(Gee, what kind of language is that?),patients%20wey%20get%20Covid-19.&text=According%20to%20Dr%20Immanuel%2C%20she,high%20blood%20pressure%20and%20asthma.

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I’m now convinced - Monty Python wrote the script for this fucking fiasco.

‘It is damaging the economy’: Dominic Raab pleads – NO SHIT Sherlock

6mths ago they locked us down and if we ventued outside we would be locked up.
In the past 6 months ABSOLUTELY NOTHING substantive has changed, but the whole world is now scared shitless(some suicidally so) of catching a cold, and now they are begging us to go back to work FFS.

Oh, no. There goes the nice virus narrative for a Bolshevik revolution.

The enemy of socialism has finally found out.

It’s killing the country.
For a nice takeover by God-knows-who.