Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

The populist idiot takes advice from a proven and acknowledged ‘scientist’, takes extreme action on the bullshit advice that he hears, then can’t make up his mind what to do next; he’s probably confusing us so we accidentally fall foul of the ambiguities (‘Be alert’ :roll_eyes: ), then the plod can fine us. Just when you think it can’t get any more chaotic, or surreal, it does. The lock down rationale has been totally demolished, with every single day meaning more business are going bankrupt and big companies are shutting down for good, but rather than admit the breathtaking errors of judgement, the **** keeps it all going to make it even worse. And I have very good reason to doubt he’s actually been in an IC unit in his life - unless being shown around, shirtsleeves rolled up, tie tucked into shirt, and rubbing his hands together after making sure he was photo-opp’d squirting the alcogel onto them, which he got from Cameron’s book of 'How a prime minister can make himself look like he’s on the case. ‘But he got us out of the EU’, I hear y’all cry, but to that I cry back ‘Well he didn’t have much fucking choice not to, did he - he was elected on that pledge ffs!’ Churchill and Thatcher would be shaking their heads in disbelief if they could see this country right now.

‘And some have greatness thrust upon them’?

Its all abt vit D - in other words go OUT and grab some rays.

Gates is one evil BASTARD

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Bill Gates father William Gates Sr. was a board member of Planned ParentHood. Planned Parenthood was formed in 1916 deriving from the eugenic agenda.They kill about 1,000 babies a day, the equivalent number of over 17 school buses full of children. Since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, in the psychopathic warped mind of Gates and all in the Satanic cult, that’s not fast enough.




Thought this is what Trump was up to


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It’s all a fucking hoax but now we gotta find out why - is it really just to make sure Trump loses in Nov???

Many of these deaths (heart, kidney, digestive, etc) are iatrogenic (death caused by doctor).

I can see McDonald’s doing something similar to this…nothing like walking into the place wearing a inflated Big Mac box and ordering a Quarter Pounder w/cheese and fries. :roll_eyes:


I never eat there.

McD was rocked by scandals a few years ago in Japan when people were finding weird things in their burgers. According to the article below, we see that China was involved as the material source.

I love Chinese food, but when it comes to CCP and its food supplies, no thanks (with or without the virus).

I could be wrong…but weren’t they using dogs and cats as meat? I think I read that somewhere a long time ago.

It could have been Burger King in Brazil.

Eating out (anywhere) comes with a risk.

I can think of at least 5 ‘conspiracy theories’ for this Covid19 shit, except they’re not theories, but agendas, and I haven’t had breakfast yet!

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I read something about worms, but never of dogs and cats. The worms story was BS…likely started by a disgruntled fired employee who couldn’t cut the mustard! :rofl:


A tried and true medicine of 40 years that changes the pH slightly to slow the virus replication spreading. Simple. The researcher was very mealy mouthed. Probably scared to say it for fear of losing his over $120k job so he dressed it all up to maybe… maybe not.
Trump first mentioned hydroxychlorequine/zinc cure because he heard of the French professor of medicine Didier Raoult, at the Univesity of Aix-Marseille, that did a succesful study on curing covid19. Professor Raoult should get a Nobel prize.
Isn’t it strange that Trump with a simple truth spoken can destroy a mountain of lies? I give Trump credit for that.


Trump is a pretty simple man with good business sense fighting decades of moral decay.

If he and his doctor decide this is what is best, then that is fine with me.

I think the media is in an uproar because it might just keep the man protected.

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