Official Coronavirus Political Thread 🌐

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Meanwhile the big Pharma which no one is protesting or for that matter challenging them continue with more insanity!

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7.2 billion dollars handed over so far to Big Pharm for pills for Covid, 7.2 billion on top of the billions paid for vaccines. The Pfizer pill is probably only Ivermectin reformulated. And notice that the Pfizer vaccine is only 33% effective at preventing infection .

Madness: This Anti-Vax Passport Protest In Israel Is Wild! | Video (

These protests are worldwide, but the revolution won’t be televised. Just enough to knock it. Why does it have to be anti passport and not pro freedom protest? Word play to control your mind.

You are right. Censorship is the key to controlling the narrative. The only thing that it will do is make things worse when more and more people stop watching media altogether. Whats next? The internet!

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The visible signs of the genocide.

This one is good! :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Omicron symptoms are soooooooo mild, they are not worth the panic (which MSM is peddling so hard).

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Because they want to reduce the world population by 13/14, that is killing 7 billion people.
(They want to kill the wrong people)

I’m also for reduced world population but not by murdering people. I advocate instead preventing welfare queens from producing offspring uncontrollably at the expense of other people’s tax money.

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Covid does not kill.
It’s the other diseases and accidents that may kill. (Comorbidity)


When you think about Genocide in the 21st century, its all under other guises where data is manipulated and the use of “Time” is the perfect cover. Its a slow death of a unsuspecting population where distractions such as the use of Identity politics, Social Justice causes, Immigration, and mass murders are being used to keep the populace at a heighten state of hysteria. Meanwhile as more and more of the population dies off, ( think in increments of 10 years) the more certain nation states become weakened to defend itself in future strategic moves where a possible military operation to take over can be implemented. It starts with hyper inflation, the rise in cost of basic necessities, where a digital currency being implemented can be controlled more readily and easier in order to control the population into compliance. COVID is the perfect storm that many of us saw was coming. Next year (2022) which is fast approaching in a few days will be a pivotal year where things are going to get a lot more dicey and intense in this war that many are unaware of that is being fought.

Don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain!

Ironically Frank L Baum, who wrote the Children’s book “Wizard of OZ” was actually about his outlook on how the world was controlled by the banks where they created an environment of scarcity, something that today’s power brokers are doing.

“History doesn’t repeat itself, It rhymes” ~ Mark Twain