Official Coronavirus Political Thread 🌐

Here! Now you can continue with your TDS

On the narrative this morning we were treated to CBS “journalist” Weijia Jiang having a “How dare you?! I want to speak to a manager” moment during a press briefing.

Here she asked a simple unbiased question about why Trump views this as a global competition when “Americans are dying every day!” and he dared DARED to respond, “Ask China”

I know I know, the whole blame China for the flu thing is retarded but her level of triggered showed this to be a high level lulzy troll


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They are very much to blame; therefore, it is not retarded.

Actually, the blame all rests with President Trump. South Korea have their outbreak the same day that we did but because they have competent leadership it really didn’t end up being too much of an issue for the country. Our rates of infection are still climbing because Trump is entirely incompetent.

Where are you coming up with this shit? CNN?

Speaking of CNN @David why don’t we talk about how CNN airs Cuomo’s briefings every day, but not the White House briefings - unless a CNN reporter successfully baits Trump or his press secretary into lashing out.

This is where you are getting your news from you uninformed commie shithead.

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If there ever was a plan in place to create a hostile environment of completely collapsing society with insurrection then this is it. This is insanity.

Presumably you heard what Mit Romney said about the Trump administrations bragging about US testing being better than any other country’s, particularly South Korea???

Trump’s response wasn’t daring, it was stupid. The question was directed to him about his routine bragging about being the best country at testing, why the appearance from him of a global competition. How the hell is that a question for China??? :man_shrugging:

Not sure why you’re referring to Covid 19 as a “plandemic” :roll_eyes:

But according to Trump, the mitigating measures have prevented millions from dying…

And Fauci is warning that opening back up without meeting the Trump administrations benchmarks could risk far more damage to the economy than we’ve experienced already.

There’s a reason why medical scientists are advising the local, state and federal governments, and thankfully not people who think as you do…

The term “pandemic” was artificially introduced to strike fear into the hearts of the sheeple.

Actually, the term “epidemic” would have been more awe-inspiring because most people didn’t know what the f a pandemic was. LOL

This stupid use of pandemic goes to show, the whole fiasco was orchestrated from the getgo.

From what I heard, a secretive religious cult in South Korea which had a branch in Wuhan was to blame. It’s leader claims he is the savior of sorts.
Reverend Moon reincarnated? LOL

By whom, and to what end?

Btw, Julia referred to it as a “plandemic”
Check the spelling of that…:wink:

Another ugly Democratic plan!

The bill is 1800 + pages and will likely be released to the Republicans just in time for them to read the title and the first few pages…akin to the Obama Abomination Plan years ago.

I hope Trump at last resort vetos this bill. If what reports are saying is true, that Nuttjob Nancy is going to incorporate mail in voting as a condition, then it should be shut down. If Trump approves this bill, then he will lose my support!

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I predict there will be all sorts of “election reform” requirements attached to the bill…requirements that have little, if anything to do with financial relief to the country.

It’s an abomination, and it needs to stop! Trump needs to get his head out of his ass and oppose this “C” Nancy! She single handedly is trying to destroy the country and enable voter fraud!