Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

Phil Kline Outlines Massive Targeted Expenditure From Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Influence Election

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Electoral college affirms tomorrow.
306 Joe Biden
232 Donald Trump

I didn’t think she was going there, but she did!

Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference

Just think of the irony of the Russian Collusion delusion for 4 years only to find that there was actual collusion with China exposing many in leadership positions across the country? Of course we already knew this and many of us have been dog whistles trying warn everybody. This shit is about to hit the fan and Gitmo better be on standby, because I don’t think there is enough beds to hold them all!


Trump needs a good, convincing excuse (for lack of better terms) to “trigger the executive order” and invoke the insurrection act.

If that indeed is the case, the “betrayal” of the SCOTUS was probably calculated ahead of the game.

Maybe things are different in Japan. The US Supreme Court is…SUPREME!!!

Their loyalty is to the constitution and the rule of law, not the president who nominated them…

It wasn’t that long ago that real conservatives were proponents of states rights. But now, in their lust to overturn the most secure election in US history, they have abandoned their ideology, and thought that the Supreme Court would abandon the law to overturn a US election which followed the law and was certified in all 50 states…

the most secure election in US history,

Don’t ya just love clown humour? :rofl: :rofl:


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According to the protocol of the executive order, Trump has to wait for DNI official report from Ratcliff that confirms foreign interference in US elections and has to wait 45 days after the initial election took place for him to invoke such an order. This week will be closer to that threshold.


Still clinging to hope that the most secure election in US election history can be overturned…:roll_eyes:

Department of Homeland Security calls election “the most secure in American history”

Krebs who worked for DHS cybersecurity made the statement of US elections being the most secured.

Trump allies also noted Krebs’ decision to host an election night gathering at a northern Virginia office building — described by a detractor as a “watch party.” A document reviewed by The Post indicates it was attended by two staffers of Dominion Voting Systems, whose platform has shown miscounted votes in all swing states in question!


And then it turned out that the hand recounts affirmed the voting machines and all 50 states certify their elections in the most secure election in US election history…:wink:

Of course it was deep state! Krebs associate Matt Masterson was an Obama appointee who he refused to fire. Krebs is also a former Microsoft executive so you can imagine where his allegiances where at! Not to mention his other associate Miles Taylor was recently outed as being “anonymous!” Not that hard to figure out the whose who in the deep state if one were being honest with the facts! Not the Montecrusty regurgitation of the copy and paste variety of MSM bullshit we are accustomed to seeing here from the resident troll!

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Yeah right…next. :rofl:

Honesty I really don’t know how this will end. The country is a mess with the infestation of Chinese spies influencing all levels of government so Trump and allies are really up against it. He just needs one win to put into doubt the rest of the states electors. He is running out of time when it comes to the judiciary so the best chance if Biden is confirmed by the electoral vote is the objection by Congress members when the vote is cast on Jan 6th and the DNI report from Ratcliff. The latter, is probably the best chance to prevent a Biden presidency if it is confirmed there was foreign election interference where that bet is on China. That being said, my biggest concern with that is if Ratcliff can be trusted enough to deliver those goods.

Sorry, I am just being objective here with reality! I am glad Trump is fighting to live another day, and it’s more than I can say for the back stabbing Republicans who rather sell out to China than do what is right for the country!

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Yeah that particular decision is something one must have fortitude and principals to make. Rip off the bandaid if you will, the cancer within won’t heal itself until it is all exposed IHO.

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