Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Republican Richard Burr, likewise defended Krebs as “a dedicated public servant,” adding that the campaign CISA developed to promote cybersecurity across the government should serve as a model.

The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Republican Richard Burr,

Of course he does! He is being investigated for insider trading so his interests are aligned with a Biden presidency where his criminal wrongdoing magically goes away! Keep grasping at straws your stupidity shows!

Your clown face now?


Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th president of the United States…:us::us::us::us:

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In a small park in the middle of a ghetto in DC with a couple of guests and mainstream cameramen.

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Sunday Talks, General Michael Flynn: “We Have Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Interference In Our Election”


No it will be held in his basement.

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StuFX - I just want to say the even-handedness of your post was a breath of fresh air in here. I’ve regressed to the more vitriolic version of myself lately because there seems to be so little concern over what is at stake. People have to realize that although we all still have our “teams”, this is no longer about who won this election as much as how much misconduct and contamination spoiled this election.

We could have a monitored fair election run-off easily next month and if Biden won I would react like I always have when my preference didn’t win…namely wait four years and vote again. Maybe some stuff in between like local elections as well. But Biden and the swamp have more problems than just voter issues now. Meaning that WE have problems a lot bigger than just Trump’s future - that being OUR future as a nation. May I suggest a Trump/Biden Ticket? OK OK I’m going to bed now.


FuN wItH EdItInG fOr Me

When candidates realize the ballots were switched


And now enjoy some Mitch

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Invest in a good Ham Radio. I mean the type that is not made in China and can’t be traced.


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From a liberal reporter, now woke!

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All wars are bankers wars, including this one

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Q told us what would happen

I was wondering about this guy lately and why he hasn’t been on YouTube in the last few days. It looks like he is making the transition already to “Rumble”!

They were not my words, It was cut and paste from an email, I’m more towards Vitriolic than you probably & why not there is so much at stake ! :grin: :grin:

It hasn’t been for decades and it is only when that realisation dawns (current situation) that the world can move forward properly. It has always been a left/right struggle but that has been the clever deception and as much as I have been saying this for many years, that is the real struggle, getting people to see through the bullshit but that is difficult when all you can focus on is ensuring your team get in to bat next. Ed Griffins explains it very well…

This highlights what I have said perfectly, both sides have problems because it isn’t about left/right. Both parties have swamp creatures because it’s all about good v bad. Power/no power etc. In that regard I hope Trump has broken the mould and from a Republican perspective you have to ask would you have voted for him if he had run for the Democrats with the exact same message and set of ideals? Watching the last 4 years I have often wondered would his task have been easier if he had run as a Democrat ?

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It’s a fair response Monte until you consider do we need fact checkers to check the fact checkers.

In 2016 all 16 intelligence agencies affirmed foreign interference in our elections, and no Trumper believes it. In 2020, Flynn a convicted felon, says he has proof of foreign interference in our elections, and all Trumpers believe it…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

That just proves how deep the swamp is.

It just proves how deep the Trumpers sleep is…

Anyway, Trump was suppose to drain the swamp…