Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

Only 150 million ??
That’s way not enough !

Correct, you guys have a penchant for that. It’s what’s to be expected when you’ve missed the mark.

Another one advocating what you supposedly hate…:roll_eyes:

Are you this benevolent with all the press…:thinking:

They are called activist judges.

Many judges do not rule on issues applying the law and constitution they make it up as they go.

Why is it you are not screaming to get to the bottom of all the issues with this action? Are you advocating to become and remain a 3rd world country where election fraud is a common occurrence?

If Biden is actually the winner why don’t you advocate for proving the charges false?

If the election fraud is real it circumvents the rule of law and our free and honest elections, where’s the outrage???

Or is your hatred of the right so great it circumvents the principals this country was founded on?

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Was the fraud set up by the party leaders or is it s state wide effort in battle ground states or is this a strictly local effort that few knew about?

Why do you waste your time with such trolltards? You think it needs saving?

That’s what happens when you tell Trumpers the truth…:man_shrugging:

The Trumper that doesn’t understand constitutional law thinks that it’s incumbent upon Biden to prove the allegations against him aren’t true. What legal universe dies that dwell in…:flushed:

No, it’s up to those who are accusing someone of cheating to prove it. That’s why Trump has had to file his suits in a court of law, where a judge asks, where’s the proof of your charges, 59 suits have been tossed because Trump has NOTHING.

Well, you can’t trust the media.
Or, you can trust the media when they make a booboo.

Like when BBC reported live that Building 7 was down.
Or New Zealand media reported back in 1963 that JFK was shot while he was still alive.
(They made a booboo calculating the time difference between Texas and New Zealand which is what? 19 hours?)

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It’s the responsibility of the States to ensure election rules are enforced and elections are fraud are.

Clearly the states are remiss in enforcing election laws and preventing fraud.

Yet here you are blathering about others when you say nothing and condone and probably cheer the fraud.


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We’ve been looking at that for a month…:man_shrugging:

And laughing, as the tally now is 59 suits brought by Trump have been tossed. He’s got nothing, and what people here seem not to understand is that the burden of proof is upon the accuser!!!

All 50 states have certified their elections and the results are that Biden is up by 74 electoral votes, and 7 million popular votes, a super landslide by Trump’s own measure.

Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th president of the United States…:us::us::us::us:

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It proves a point, the left doesn’t listen, discuss or learn anything.

This person continues to call people names and then complains when people return the favor.

As to his laughable claims that the courts toss out the suits, it’s largely due to activist judges who dismiss anything that could be possibly seen as fraud to maintain the illusion there is no fraud in the system. Not once has a judge called a person that signed legal documents swearing fraud was observed. Keeping the village idiot with dementia in office is their only goal.

The Michigan lawsuit wasn’t reviewed and was dismissed, the reason, the time has passed for lawsuits. A activist progressive judge put in place by the laughable Obama.

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CHECK THIS SHIT OUT! What’s really happening here…They aren’t after the Presidency - They’re after the Constitution

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IF ONLY > What a Glorious day that would be!