Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

Charlie Daniels RIP was a prophet! :rofl:

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That is nothing but propaganda bullshit from the MSM a leftist arm of the democon party.
Explain the discrepancies moron.

Why would anyone vote for the value idiot with dementia?

Hi, I’m Joe Biden and I’m running for the senate. Not on but twice.
The list of his memory issues are long and documented yet you like many still refuse to vote for what best for the country but anyone but Trump. The left will be the end of this once great country.

You mean Joe the “Gaff-master” who can’t even pronounce his own nominee’s name correctly! :rofl: :rofl:

‘I nominate Javier Backaria’ — He meant to say Xavier Becerra

I am appalled at half the country who are to demanding the truth about the fraud in this election. They are beyond hypocrites as they would be screaming their heads off if this were don by republicans yet they sit back saying nothing saying there is no fraud and no laws were broken.

This sets the tone for the next election. There will be 150 million votes for the next republican running for the presidency. The left better say absolutely nothing.

There won’t be another election if they don’t get this one right!


Again another state Judge withholding the truth, this time MI. Why?

Judge denies publication of forensic audit data on Dominion

Trump will be declared President in waiting until another election is called the 2020 election will be cancelled

The only way that is going happen is if Trump decides to act on his 2018 executive order.

Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,


  1. Waiting what SCOTUS is going to decide. If they allow the state legislatures to decide their appointments then the system works as our founders designed. If not then all bets are off.

  2. Instituting executive order will mean that he has enough to prove China has interfered in US elections to justify such an action whereby Martial law will be declared and the National Emergency Powers act will be in full force.

The latter, with recent developments suggests we are heading in that direction now. Democrats are in bed with China as well as Wall Street and are playing a zero sum game. In the end they either hang for treason or we face more severe consequences for failure to get this right.

There is more bombshells to be coming in the next few days that implicates Mayors, Governors, members of the House and intel personnel that will be getting exposed with their ties to CCP party members.

Seeing this is Friday, typical day for document dump would not be surprised to see some major news after midnight. Dec 16th is right around the corner.

What the hell do you know in the UK.

Republican governors, Republican lieutenant governors, Republican state SOS’s, Republican election managers, the DHS, CISA the DOJ all have declared the election free of fraud and the most secure election in election history. All 50 states have certified their elections. Every lawsuit (around 50 now) brought in 5 states have been rejected or withdrawn by Trump’s legal team save one that was meaningless anyway…

December 14 th is right around the corner. That’s when the electoral college affirms the states certifications…

Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th president of the United States…:us::us::us:

Telling that there’s at least one poster here who’s head is exploding because he’s bought into the conspiracy theories promoted by Trump and his lemmings about election fraud that Trump’s own administration denies. And this fellas response is that next election the republicans will do what he claims the Democratic Party has done this election cycle and hates…:thinking:

Perhaps the biggest reason Trump is refusing to accept the results of the election…

He can’t try to pardon himself for what awaits him once he’s a civilian again…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yep you got it…

There was no outside interference in our election.

Would you like me to explain what this statement from CIC actually means?

Congressional Inauguration Committee: Biden is Not President-Elect

You have proved conclusively that you know zilch abt the constitution so it’s not difficult to know more than you do, but I am happy to educate you on how the election actually works - just ask

Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th president of the United States :us:

Not saying you are wrong, but sometimes … in their haste … the publishers just get it wrong.

There is the famous example during the Obola administration of ZeroHedge reporting an attack on the White House … which turned out to be the result of a mischievous tweet.

As someone who has previously taken one of your posts out of context …
… I have to say …
