Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

Gov Kemp stands in front of the Chinese national flag!

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If Trump loses this election, this will be what heā€™s establishing in the next 4 years, plus a news/cable network rivaling Fox and others

And part of the reason for that is the current anti fossil fuel policies of ppl like Blieden. Thats why the price of oil is up nearly 400% even after the collapse of the travel industry - the markets think Trump won and the markets are never wrong, neither are the bookies.

Which bit is false btw?
Oil is up or Bliedenā€™s policy on oil?

Wasnā€™t he aquitted of that?

Well I am not sure about what incarnation news will take in the next 4 years, and I am not sure it will matter but what is certain to change is the political landscape as we are witnessing a paradigm shift of epic proportions. Regardless of who wins the Whitehouse change is happening for better or for worse. Be prepared for anything is the MO going forward.

Is this now just a decision for the Governor to uphold or not ?


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Besides, that impeachment was a total farce.

The battle for the White Houseā€¦

The American people have already spoken.
But the dumb Dems donā€™t want to listen.

Thereā€™s been three American presidents that have been impeached, Trump being the third. None of them convicted in the senate.

After weeks of discussions among legislators, the House of Representatives voted to impeach the 45th President, Donald Trump, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on December 18, 2019. The vote fell largely along party lines: 230 in favor, 197 against and 1 present. Trump became only the third president ever to be impeached, joining Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton,

December 8, 2020

Blowing the Whistle on Election Fraud

By Osita Ebiem

ā€œI drove thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.ā€

When I heard the above statement this week from Jesse Morgan as he testified before President Trumpā€™s legal team investigating the widespread frauds in the 2020 general elections, it was an ā€œa-hah! momentā€ for me.

I live in Queens County in New York City, about 10 minutes outside Jamaica. My zip code actually falls within Jamaica town. My apartment complex is a post-World War II red brick six-story building. It was completed in 1946 and has been occupied continuously ever since. But because itā€™s been well-maintained, it still retains its pristine condition.

Jesse Morgan is a truck driver who testified under oath that he witnessed suspected electoral fraudulent activity in October that occurred in his line of duty. The summary of his testimony is that he transported hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Morgan drives for a third-party trucking company which serves as a subcontractor to the United States Post Office.

On hearing Morganā€™s opening statement, a cloud was lifted from my mind as I suddenly reconciled a bewildering incident that happened where I live a few months back. One afternoon in September or so, I came down from my second-floor residence to the buildingā€™s 1st-floor lobby where the residentsā€™ mailboxes are located. I was on my way out, but I noticed that unusually large number of packages had been delivered to the mailing area. On closer observation I noticed that they were voting ballots. They were wrapped in clear plastic packaging. As I left the building, I was struggling to understand why so much election ballots should be delivered, because in my mental assessment they were obviously several times in excess of the people in the building even if they were meant for each resident. As far as I was concerned, I had planned to vote in person on election day and never requested any remote voting ballot. So, why would so many ballots be brought to the building, I wondered.

Without making sense of the whole thing I went into the store to do my shopping. Then I ran other errands around the town and returned to the building a couple of hours later. As I walked by the mailing area I noticed that the ballots were gone. So, I looked around to see if they had been distributed to different residentsā€™ doors or by the mailboxes of the residents, but no there were no traces of the ballots anywhere. I went into my apartment and very soon forgot about the incident.

I would not think about it or make much of the issue again even when so many people, including President Donald Trump, began to talk about large-scale and widespread electoral frauds that went on during the election. Many accusing fingers pointed at mail-in ballots as making up a large percentage of the frauds. Still, I would not correlate what happened in my building a few months back with the recent rampant complaints about electoral fraud until I heard Jesse Morgan testify that he ā€œdrove thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.ā€ On hearing that the puzzling pieces in my head over the past few months seemed to suddenly fall into their proper places. It was like I now know where all the ballots that were delivered in my building went to. Without knowing why, it was like I had an answer to my nagging question and a convincing closure to a mystery.

Then I started paying close attention to the testimonies of other people with similar stories and even to those of others talking about Dominion voting machines.

Additionally, some of the whistleblowers have claimed that many electoral ballots were fraudulently printed abroad in China. But going by what I witnessed in my apartment building, I have continued to wonder if it were possible that many of those alleged illegal ballots included also some of the several thousands of ballots mopped up from the probable systemically-designed excess ballot deliveries to various cities apartment buildings across the United States.

Over the past four weeks some people have been heard calling for the President to concede defeat. From the look of things, it appears that it is the so-called media-projected winner of the election that should, out of decency, concede defeat to the President. This conclusion is not hard to come by, considering the very apparent widespread incidents of fraud and election rigging which in virtually all the cases were rigged in the favor of the Presidentā€™s opponent. However, I believe that all calls for concessions in the election are premature, speculative, and even reckless. We have yet to hear the official results of the 2020 election. Constitutionally, it is not the responsibility of the media to declare the United States election results ahead of the Electoral College charged with that responsibility.

The shrill calls and unusually loud and urgent demands by the media for President Trump to quickly and prematurely concede defeat are very suspect. This unusually urgent call from the mainstream media has prompted many people to question the genuineness of their intentions.

This unnecessarily urgent calls for concession has made some people think that it might not be unconnected with the fact that some guilty individuals and groups are anxious to divert the publicā€™s attention from the widely reported election fraud. An Igbo adage says that when an evil is left unchecked in a society for an unusually long period, it will become the societyā€™s tradition. And that is the danger in hurriedly sweeping under the carpet and covering up such obvious dishonest and fraudulent practices. If they are not sincerely dealt with at their first appearance, then they will become an accepted social practice. Therefore, for the sake of saving the United States of America, the reported fraud and rigging in this U. S. election must not be condoned. The guilty must not be left unpunished, or the practice will become an American tradition.


Wrong, itā€™s because itā€™s the future, not only because itā€™s prudent, due to the dirtiness and finite supply of fossil fuel, itā€™s an economic no brainer, with renewables being the fastest growing energy sector in the US. And, big oil has been investing big in renewables since long before Biden ever threw his hat in the ring, let alone won the presidency.

Exactly so - in other words - aquited- something else we agree on.

Trump, along with Johnson and Clinton remain the three US presidents to have been impeached in the House of Representatives and will always share that distinction, as well as loser, being one of the few to be a one term presidentā€¦

Biden will replace him as he is sworn in at noon, January 20th as the 46th US presidentā€¦:us::us::us:

You are never going to get the progressives to listen, for they went full blown Marxist, you know this better than anyone! They have to be destroyed or they will destroy you. History says so.


The oil price is up for one reason only - Trump has won a second term

President Trump has made it clear he wants fracking and all domestic production of oil pushed aggressively in his second term. By way of contrast, Joe Biden has made it clear he is against fracking and wants to push for clean energy in the U.S.

Who do you think the market is predicting as winner of this election? The pro-Oil candidate or the pro-climate change candidate?

Wow, the level of delusion is fantasticā€¦:flushed:

We donā€™t give a fuck what Trump wants. Heā€™s an impeached, one term lame duck presidentā€¦

Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th presidentā€¦:us::us::us::us::us:

If Blieden had won, why is oil on a tear??